ObjectDB Issue Tracking

91-100 of 425 threads
Multiple files support for search and persistFeature RequestNormalActive2018‑10‑24
Update query null errorBug ReoprtNormalActive2018‑09‑20
unclear syntax for update queryDocumentationNormalFixed2018‑09‑20
Removed entities can be found by query in the same transactionBug ReoprtNormalFixed2018‑09‑17
reading from table gives Unexpected exceptionBug ReoprtHighClosed2018‑09‑11
Query fails with failed to readBug ReoprtNormalActive2018‑09‑04
Getting an error when adding activation code to conf fileBug ReoprtNormalFixed2018‑08‑17
Query in nested transaction returns detached entity if lazy-loadedBug ReoprtCriticalFixed2018‑08‑16
I can't get cascading delete to work in JDOFeature RequestHighFixed2018‑07‑25
each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each otherBug ReoprtNormalActive2018‑07‑25