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Unexpected COUNT Results

returns the list with size  1380. This is expected result If we add COUNT operator: b.      SELECT COUNT($ FROM Pa3DataKey $1 WHERE $1.timestamp <= 187526 ... ; SELECT COUNT($ FROM Pa3DataKey $1 WHERE $1.timestamp <= 187526 AND ($1.dataItems

getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.

When am diagnosis my db it gave following report Global Value Errors ------------------- [1] Unexpected total page count: 512 (expected 449). On repair the db some of query are not working. can you please tell me what does the above error mean and how can i

Processing thread count for 8-core server

count is "more than the number of cores but not too many."  What would be an appropriate number


; count(   Create an aggregate expression applying the count operation. count operation

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

calculations (count, sum, avg, max, min) that are carried out on all the objects (or the object tuples) in ... > COUNT - returns a long value representing the number ... , dates). The following query counts for every letter the number of countries

Negative snapshot user count

I finally hit an instance of the "Negative snapshot user count" exception count com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count at com.objectdb.o.SNP.z ... com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count com.objectdb.o.InternalException

Negative snapshot user count exception

.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count at com.objectdb.o.SNP.D( at com.objectdb.o.SFL.aa( ... these index issues. In that case, the "Negative snapshot user count" and the "mismatch

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

Hello! Attached you find a full stacktrace. The query was: SELECT COUNT(t) FROM Position t WHERE ((t.unit = :unit165w7ppbtu9ao ... back to the count query: SELECT COUNT(t) FROM Position t WHERE ((t.unit

Running JPA Queries

/createQuery_String_Class_">createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(c) FROM Country c", Long.class); long ... ">createQuery("SELECT COUNT(c) FROM Country c"); long countryCount = (Long)query.getSingleResult(); An aggregate COUNT query

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

/EntityManager/createQuery_String">createQuery("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM Point p"); System.out.println ... > The query string ("SELECT COUNT(p) FROM Point p") instructs JPA to count all the Point objects