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">TIMESTAMP" title="Enum Constant of javax.persistence.TemporalType">TIMESTAMP Map as java.sql.Timestamp Map as java.sql.Timestamp

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

> annotations (currently ObjectDB does not distinguish between the two) excludes the field from ... /java/jpa/ManyToMany">@ManyToMany annotations (currently ObjectDB does not distinguish ... of an entity object can be accessed freely, regardless of the current fetch policy, as long as the

Locking in JPA

="/api/java/jpa/EntityManager">EntityManager) since it was retrieved by the current ... if another user (which is represented by another EntityManager instance) currently holds ... lock request fails if another user currently holds either a PESSIMISTIC_WRITE

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

> If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified.currently it only works on Sun JDK 6 or above (and not on JRE 6

Can I use ObjectDB with languages other than Java?

, but currently only with their JVM implementations (e.g. Jython for Python, JRuby for Ruby and Quercus for PHP). A version of ObjectDB for .NET is currently under development


> currentValue - the current value of the field ... > currentValue - the current value of the field ... > currentValue - the current value of the field


is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context. current persistence context. current transaction

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

> is a new persistent object of the current transaction, and not yet stored in the database. current transaction using deletePersistent(...) has been changed in the current transaction. Particularly, it returns true if

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

an object in a currently open table or browser viewer to explore it in a new viewer window. current viewer to focus on the selected object. A double click ... of the current transaction only to the new database file. This command is available only when accessing


. This method has no effect if the instance is already deleted in the current transaction. This method ... , only fields in the current , or in the current custom