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java.sql.Timestamp.getTime() not working

Hi, I need to work with Timestamp diff in two entity fields, but this queries SELECT count(p) FROM ... . TIMESTAMP ) public Timestamp loginAt; @Temporal(TemporalType. TIMESTAMP ) public Timestamp registeredAt = AppCore.getTime(); ... } Is there some other way to compare two Timestamps within ObjectDB not

auto generate timestamp

Hi all, How can I create auto timestamping column? I want the database to generate the timestamp ... /811845/setting-a-jpa- timestamp -column-to-be-generated-by-the-database - Pawel   pawel Pawel Hryniszak Yes, currently ObjectDB supports only numeric values in version fields. However, you can hold

java.sql.Timestamp with milliseconds

/ Timestamp .html) @Id @Column(name = "STMP") @Temporal(TemporalType. TIMESTAMP ) private Timestamp timestamp ; However with ObjectDB the milliseconds are not being stored, as shown this is an ID field ... . Timestamp , but I would like to use a single Date/Time field (ie, not milliseconds since the Epoch


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.TemporalType TIMESTAMP Map as java.sql. Timestamp Since: JPA 1.0

Number of current connections

Is there any way to find out the number of current connections to the DB server? natmaclin Natalia Levine Currently not. You may subscribe to this feature request and update it according to your needs. support Support

Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used?

Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used? This would be very handy to have, because it is somewhat difficult to know what version of the ObjectDB you are currently using since the objectdb.jar filename remains the same for all versions (which is not a bad thing by

Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries

to the current time (a java.sql.Time instance). CURRENT _ TIMESTAMP - is evaluated to the current timestamp , i.e ... JPQL current date and time functions. Current Date and Time JPA defines special JPQL expressions that are evaluated to the date and time on the database server when the query is executed: CURRENT _DATE

JPA Persistable Types

. Timestamp . Date and time types are discussed in more detail in the next paragraph. Date and Time ... :59:59 ). java.sql. Timestamp - represents date and time (e.g. 2019-12-31 23:59:59). The java.util ... . Timestamp dateAndTime1; @Temporal ( TemporalType . TIMESTAMP ) java.util.Date dateAndTime2

Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries

literals (e.g. 077 , 077L ), a feature that is not currently supported by all JPA implementations. String ... '} - for example: {t '23:59:59'} Timestamp - {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'} - for example: {ts '2020-01-03 13:59:59 ... ()); Expression now = cb. literal (new java.sql. Timestamp ()); // Enum literal: Expression red = cb. literal (Color

Possible issue with timestamps

Possible issue with timestamps

ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

ObjectDB current status of the BIRT plugin

_UserException: Attempt to open a database file '...' that is currently in use

_UserException: Attempt to open a database file '...' that is currently in use

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)


ObjectDB Object Database Features

.String Date types : java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql. Timestamp . Math types ... .util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql. Timestamp . Math: java.lang.BigInteger and java

Index Definition

, java.sql. Timestamp . Any enum type. Reference to an entity object. Arrays and collections that contain

JPA Primary Key

.lang.String. java.util.Date , java.sql.Date , java.sql.Time , java.sql. Timestamp . Any enum type

Database Explorer

it from the command line as follows: java -jar explorer.jar If explorer.jar is not in the current ...  menu command to close a currently open database connection. Viewing Database Content Viewer ... , a bookmark in the [Database] tabbed window or an object in a currently open Table or Tree window

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

FetchType . LAZY in either @OneToOne or @ManyToOne annotations ( currently ObjectDB does not distinguish ... annotations ( currently ObjectDB does not distinguish between the two) enables cascading retrieval ... fields of an entity object can be accessed freely, regardless of the current fetch policy, as long as

Locking in JPA

(using another EntityManager ) since it was retrieved by the current updater. Optimistic locking ... another EntityManager instance) currently holds a PESSIMISTIC_WRITE lock on that database object. A PESSIMISTIC_WRITE lock request fails if another user currently holds either a PESSIMISTIC_WRITE lock or

JPA Class Enhancer

.objectdb.Enhancer If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified ... above. First, currently it only works on Sun JDK 6 or above (and not on JRE 6 for example). Second

Can I use ObjectDB with languages other than Java?

, but currently only with their JVM implementations (e.g. Jython for Python, JRuby for Ruby and Quercus for PHP). A version of ObjectDB for .NET is currently under development and future support

ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current . ObjectDB Software may make ... this web site you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions

Sequence.current() - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.datastore.Sequence Object current () Returns the current sequence value object if it is available. It is intended to return a sequence value object previously used. If the current sequence value is not available, throw JDODataStoreException. Return: the current value Since: JDO 2.0

JPA Lifecycle Events

are listeners that should be applied by default to all the entity classes. Currently , default

Database Transaction Replayer

is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified. The tool's main class is com

Storing JPA Entity Objects

is thrown. The exception is thrown either by persist (if that existing entity object is currently

What are the system requirements for using ObjectDB?

ObjectDB requires Java 5 or later (Java 6 is preferred). As a pure Java application, ObjectDB should be able to run on any platform that supports the Java Standard Edition. Either the Java Development Kit (JDK) or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) can be used. A version of ObjectDB for .NET is currently under development.

Database Doctor

is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified. The tool main class is com.objectdb

Entity Management Settings

, even if it is not specified explicitly at the command line. This is currently an experimental feature

Online Backup

that reflects the current date and time (e.g.  201912312359 ) is created under the backup root

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

reference. In JPQL, the current FROM variable (or FROM tuple when there are multiple variables

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

. Only identification variables and path expressions are currently supported in the GROUP BY clause by all the JPA

General Settings and Logging

of the subsystem loggers are currently undocumented and can change at any time without notice

Database Server

-cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path


Since: JPA 2.0 Expression currentTimestamp () Create expression to return current timestamp . Return: expression for current timestamp Since: JPA 2.0 Order desc ( Expression  x) Create an ordering by ... () Create expression to return current date. Return: expression for current date Since: JPA 2.0 Expression

CriteriaBuilder.currentTimestamp() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression currentTimestamp () Create expression to return current timestamp . Return: expression for current timestamp Since: JPA 2.0


java.sql.Date Since: JPA 1.0 TIME Map as java.sql.Time Since: JPA 1.0 TIMESTAMP Map as java.sql. Timestamp Since: JPA 1.0 Public Static Enum Methods: TemporalType[] values () Returns an array containing


;entity) Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence ... on an entity manager which has not been joined to the current transaction and a lock mode ... if invoked on an entity manager which has not been joined to the current transaction and a lock mode


.Date , java.sql.Time , java.sql. Timestamp , byte[] , Byte[] , char[] , Character[] , enums, and any

JPA Web App Tutorial - Maven Project

: mvn package jetty:run The current directory should be  guestbook-web (containing the  pom

Java EE JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

the command line: mvn package The current directory should be  guestbook-jee6

Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project

The current directory should be points-console (containing the pom.xml file). No need to download

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

jetty:run The current directory should be  guestbook-spring (containing the  pom.xml file

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

persistent object of the current transaction, and not yet stored in the database. JDOHelper ... for deletion in the current transaction using deletePersistent( ... ) and it is expected ... has been changed in the current transaction. Particularly, it returns true if isNew(obj) or isDeleted

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

the content of that object. Select an object in a currently open table or browser viewer to explore ... Selection" command switches the current viewer to focus on the selected object. A double click ... all the changes of the current transaction only to the new database file. This command is available

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

lock is expected to be exclusive. Therefore, any attempt to modify an object that is currently in ... an object that is currently being modified by some other PersistenceManager , blocks the thread


- the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Return: the new value for the field ... field - the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Return: the new value ... instance field - the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Return: the new value


. This method has no effect if the instance is already deleted in the current transaction. This method ... and manipulation outside of a JDO environment. When detaching instances, only fields in the current ... instances must either be in the default-fetch-group , or in the current custom FetchPlan. Parameters: pcs


, and ignoreCache option. Return: the current setting of the flag Since: JDO 2.0 void setCandidates ... of the current set of variable values. Other values for variables might still qualify the candidate instance ... .util class Date; or one of the java.sql classes Date, Time, or Timestamp ; or a user-defined class


within the current transaction. If the JDO identity is being changed in the transaction, this method returns the object id as of the beginning of the current transaction. Return: a copy of the ObjectId ... jdoGetObjectId if the identity of the instance has not changed in the current transaction. If the JDO