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How to create a wildfly datasource with dsJndi name to an objectdb database?

source. You can follow eclipse/ee">this tutorial (or download

Explorer and multi-thread

When I use explorer.exe to browse the database in objectdb, eclipse tells me another app occupy it, then how can objectdb support multi-thread? gzdillon Lai Yang Multithreading refers to the ability to use the same database in multiple threads of the same process (same

NullpointerException when execute a merge

) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di

can't get HashMap out of the database

. The full Eclipse project attached FYI. Thanks, Natalia.


;org.eclipse.persistence</groupId>             <artifactId>

Missing atificat for ObjectDB?

, the POM file is ok. I am running Eclipse EE and following the tutorial. I am new

Enhancer -s broken

both Windows and Linux (Eclipse & Ant). Thanks for your support Manuel

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

is this the intended behaviour? I attach the Eclipse projects . The only complexity

Problem witch CriteriaBuilder isMember(..)

its own equal and hash methods (generated from Eclipse) PPS.: I recognized

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

">EntityManagerFactory's close), e.g. using a eclipse/web/listener" target="_blank