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explorer feature request: ability to auto refresh

Request for feature: Ability to auto-refresh an explorer view, say ... to view an embedded database (read only mode) via the explorer.   dmoshal ... explorer but are now disabled - including editing, basic querying and manual refresh. support

Table View for queries in the explorer ?

of the explorer anywhere ? Thanks Paul Newman pnewman Paul Newman You can run a query in the Explorer also by selecting [Window > Open Table Window ... of the Explorer will be released in the future. If you need specific improvements you may fill feature requests. support Support

Explorer and multi-thread

When I use explorer.exe to browse the database in objectdb, eclipse tells ... > However, if you try to open the Explorer and view a database that is currently in use by ... mode. Therefore, to see the content of the database in the Explorer while it is in use

How to run JPA query on Terminal instead of explorer.jar??

Because I am planning to run linux VM on Google compute Engine, I don't know whether is able to run Explorer.jar or not, if not able to run. What are the alternative way to explore ... Linux machine, you can still use the Explorer on your local computer and access databases remotely

Delete class from DB - through Explorer

through Explorer, but I couldn't find any. Is there any way for doing that? If not ... of classes in the Explorer, so you may just ignore the deleted class (although it would be cleaner ... either through your API or through the DB Explorer application. Thanks data303 Mark Egloff

Can't modify @EmbeddedId in ObjectDB Explorer

can't be seen/modified from ObjectDB Explorer from its class. Ok, I get this. It's an @EmbeddedId ... through its parent neither. Scenario: open db in ObjectDB Explorer, open entity Journal, expand ... support modifying object IDs, not just in the Explorer, but by the application as well. You set

Problems Running ODB Explorer

When ODB is run in embedded mode (Eclipse), it is fine but the explorer throws the following exception:- [2013-01-21 13:40:36 #5 explorer] com ... ;objectdb.conf file that the Explorer uses. The location

Trouble viewing db in Explorer.

I am having trouble with the Explorer.  I can open the db just fine. I can open a few simple extents and view/navigate fine also.  The problem occurs when I view the more complex extents. The Explorer will not repaint the right pane.  I drag off screen to force repaint

Refresh Explorer

Feature requests: 1) shortcut key for Explorer data refresh 2) ability to set 'auto-refresh' for explorer when run in client-server mode. ie: current view will refresh every n seconds. Thanks David  

Allow removal of entity class from ObjectDB & Explorer

Hi. It would be very useful to be able to delete an entire entity class from ObjectDB, but especially from Explorer. This is very useful ... Egloff ObjectDB 2.8.2 adds support of deleting classes in the Explorer. An obsolete