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Launching explorer giving some bugs

Hello , we are having problem when we try to launch explorer .jar from mac osx lion. jam gives these errors as shown below:   Jul 19 23:15:51 KadirBASOL.local java[10319] : CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0 Jul 19 23:15:51 KadirBASOL.local java[10319] : CGContextSetBaseCTM: invalid context

A distinguished Name for server or explorer is good for maintaining!

A distinguished Name for server or explorer is good for maintaining!

ObjectDB Explorer query error: Unexpected query token 'value'

ObjectDB Explorer query error: Unexpected query token 'value'

Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment

we can't open the database file with the ObjectDB Explorer . Can you also customize the Explorer that it ignore missing implemented interfaces and field types? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems The Explorer ... the stack trace in the log of the database explorer . The interface CodeArchitectureExt is a private

Feature Request: Adding map entries to DB in Explorer

Currently, collections can be edited but maps cannot be edited. For a database model that has a lot of static data that need to be entered into the database on multiple edits this presents as an inconvenience. It would be great, therefore, if we can edit maps straight from the explorer . Flying Banana Jiacong Xu

Abiity to save queries in Explorer

Abiity to save queries in Explorer

Explorer table view

Explorer table view

not possible to add an existing object to an array via explorer

not possible to add an existing object to an array via explorer

server.exe on 32bit and 64bit Windows

; longpat Brian O'Hare It seems that explorer .exe and server.exe try to locate a win32 JVM ... . Thank you for your report. support Support Build 2.3.4_03 includes new explorer .exe and server ... cannot be found when running server or explorer . C:\java -version java version "1.6.0_29" Java(TM) SE


the database in the Explorer ? Can you post a sample database that demonstrates the problem? support Support ... . Also when we open a database from Explorer . An example db is in the attachment to this post ... we are using 'server-b.exe' and also ' explorer -b.exe' instead of 'server.exe' and ' explorer .exe

Unable to persist TreeMap

If you open the database in the Explorer you will see that now the Id of the Person instance is #2. Id #1 ... . When something doesn't work, try to check the reasons in the debugger, the Explorer , etc. If the reason ... It has been the ObjectDB Explorer that I've primarily been looking at, and where there might be a bug. Making

Add class to objectdb ?

Hello , i've made blank db project and opened with explorer .jar How can i add class file then push objects manually by explorer .jar   It only gave me blank : ... Currently to add new classes in the explorer you will have to use a workaround: Run the Explorer

after upgrade to 2.9.0 database destroys, urgent issue at our most important customer, production shutdown

the explorer . The explorer just opens the database file without any checking that this is be used by ... but there are permanent errors and we have to shut down again and again. The conflict with the explorer ... ; hgzpincher Hans-Georg Zwicker Regarding using the explorer in embedded mode, have you enabled embedded

Changing existing objects from Entity to Embedded

got stored in DB. However since this change I can not open the DB file in Explorer . I ... . Explorer $ Explorer .java:57) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch( ... . And again the app was working fine, but on opening the DB file in Explorer I got

Corrupted Database or error in ObjectDBExplorer?

Hello, we have problems when we open our Database file with the ObjectDB- Explorer (2.6.8_b8). Can you analyze the problem and tell us if its a problem of the explorer or a real problem in ... .RequirementBasedTestCaseImpl  (its the 9th entity)   If we execute queries in the explorer we observed

Replication error on slave restart

) Make changes in application (now it has some transactions) 5) View db files over explorer ... opened master db with explorer [DATA PRESENT - AND UP TO DATE] 3) I copied sm.db file to my PC and opened it with explorer [EMPTY] 4) I copied sm.odr folder to my PC and opened it with explorer [EMPTY] 5


scratch, and then when I open the database in the explorer I see the ´boolean searched´ attribute in ... the explorer ´s object browser since it´s annotated as transient? This is part of the code ... for the Agency class maybe you can see what I am doing wrong?   wlboluyt Will Boluyt The Explorer

Performance problem

part, when running a query from ObjectDB explorer CPU utilization is minimal ie. 1% Running a query from ObjectDB explorer on complete database which has 12000 records takes 30ms which we think is very good ... database on the production server from the Explorer . The production database on the production server

Problem with 'where' and date()

Hi, Today I was playing with some date-range queries in explorer and found a small problem ... . There is no such problem in code because we can set Date() object as parameter. However this is hard in explorer ... with dates in the Explorer by using date literals . For example: SELECT o FROM TestObject o WHERE {d

Query problem after transaction commit

records but only the latest stored record. I tried to run database explorer on the server machine ... explorer on the server, my client program can retrieve all the records (no program restart or ... UI: end printing result 41 UI: start query [database explorer started on server before

ObjectDB version 2.3 has been released

to edit databases in the Explorer ( issue #2 ). Added the ability to execute queries in the Explorer (issue #3 ). Other small Explorer improvements. Added support of IN operator in JPQL queries. Added ... Thanks!!! New explorer looks cool. Great work! lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Thanks. 

Running doctor.jar with entity classes in classhpath

instances of these entities to database through explorer . I tried to run com.objectdb.Doctor ... explorer ). Could it be possible to add that kind of feature in next relase ?   I run doctor by ... a workaround, you can follow these 2 steps: Run the Explorer with the new class in the classpath:  

possible index required for improving query performance

run this query in Explorer with a non-null parameter. If I run it with null, I can see in Explorer ... Natalia Levine You should be able to use object parameters in the Explorer , as explained in ... a comma separated list of elements. It will be easier to explore this if the query can be run in

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

the 2 lines the first one is TCP connection from explorer . This disappear when explorer is closed ... with running ObjectDB Server, and did all connections from explorer only. I was working with 2 DB files ... bellow are steps done on 1 running ObjectDBServer without restarts, also explorer was single instance

Drop in Client/server mode not working

am using this:     dmoshal David Moshal I tried your example at it works as long as the Explorer is not connected to the database. ie: If explorer is connected to a c/s database then it is not ... to be able to have the explorer open during testing. David dmoshal David Moshal Drop is possible

Database connection url

I'd like to run a database called db1.odb on port 6136, and simultaneously open it in the explorer ... sure about the connection url for the code, and for the explorer . I tried this: Transactor.emf ... .odb created under db-files/ nor can I connect to it from explorer . So, how does one set up odb as

DB Doctor sets type to "unknown" for new fields

. If you run in DB Explorer select r.emergency from RecordingMetaData as r you will notice that the type (RSL ... an Explorer behavior of specifying null results as Unknown type, even when static field type ... well as when you view RecordingMetaData objects in the Explorer . support Support Thank you for checking

Some details about db behavior

that I'm not sure I understand. 1. In ObjectDB explorer I see Both B and A Entity classes available in ... of that information? 2. In explorer in every column where a complex type is represented in json like manner i ... see that other fields are initialized (which means explorer is showing not right information).  3. Suppose

mappedBy problem

can be persisted. But there is no relationship established between the two entities! Using the explorer I ... (because the mapped by side is merely a request to execute a query). You are right about the Explorer ... feature and the Explorer has not been adjusted yet. support Support I followed your post and I got

Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

exception. The same query in Explorer runs blazing fast (22ms) but I think it's because Explorer lazy ... Walkowski The query itself is very simple (and therefore completes in 22 ms in the Explorer ... the Explorer ). Another solution may be to use report queries, i.e. instead of retrieval of complete

Difficulty with the BIRT plugin

Explorer , as suggested in the online manual: Open the [New Data Set] dialog box by right clicking the Data Sets node in the [Data Explorer ] window and selecting New Data Set. dmoshal David Moshal ... can get a little further. My previous problem is that I was using the eclipse view "Data Source Explorer

SSL cannot connect from client StackOverflow error

the Client, when SSL is enabled. I can connect from Explorer , when "Use SSL" is checked, isn't there some ... .objectdb.o.CST.o( thamal Tomas Hamal I can connect from Explorer , when "Use SSL" is checked, isn't there some option, which I missed on java client side? When "Use SSL" is enabled, the Explorer

Missing Data on Retrieval (0, null values)

should be the same as the tables in (ObjectDB) Explorer .               harald77 ... available you will still get an object that you can explore using reflection. The main idea of an object ... : "you will still get an object that you can explore using reflection." That i thought,  

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

the Explorer )? support Support I don't think you even bothered to even read my pos before replying. In ... the Explorer schema tab). You should also run this query with logging enabled in the configuration ... of Health Sri Lanka Please find the debug log related to the query. Hope you will attempt to explore

Database corrupted after schema change

, but still the instances of TC become corrupted. It is visible also in the DB Explorer that the values ... , for example, using the Explorer , and see if you still see the issue. support Support Version 2.8.5 ... you for the update. It seems that to explore this issue further we will need a test case that demonstrates a failed schema upgrade.   support Support

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

) at at Explorer still shows ... () registers them with ObjectDB. Check the class list of the database in the Explorer . support ... ;    It's just the one class.  I have also attached the explorer image, ODBEntity.png

Is there any GUI for creating/editing entity?

;   TIA :) pikotenta pikotenta Some Explorer features that were available in ObjectDB 1.0 ... the ability to edit database files in the Explorer . These features are expected to be enabled again soon ... to this feature request . Update: ObjectDB 2.3 Explorer adds support of editing database content. support Support

Compare old and new schema

to the new one. However, you can open the old database in the Explorer (without entity classes in ... migration takes place correctly. Could you tell me how the explorer gathers the information ... without entity classes in the classpath but the metamodel is empty. How does your explorer get to metamodel

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

your DB Explorer tool when trying the same, or similar, SELECT NEW ... query: Exception in thread "AWT ... the application and with DB Explorer . 2. Then we run the following update query from the remote ... with SELECT NEW ... queries after this update both in the application and with DB Explorer . As

@MappedSuperclass and @Transient not working as I expected

is that there is a table for the superclass.  When I try to examine it in ObjectDB Explorer ... . Regarding the transient field - it is not stored in the database and the Explorer merely shows default values. See also this related forum thread . ObjectDB 2.3 will be released with a new Explorer

Undeploying Glassfish web application does not disconnect from ObjectDB

ObjectDB as JPA provider, then undeploy, I can't access the database file in the ObjectDB explorer , the explorer claims the database file is being accessed by another process. If I restart Glassfish I can open the database file in the ObjectDB explorer ok. webel Dr Darren Kelly Are you using

Get list of database files

on an ObjectDB server. The ObjectDB explorer has such a feature (File-Open C/S Connection-Browse ... the Explorer : import; import com.objectdb.Utilities;     ...    ... , password, false); This will return the root directory, which then can be explored further using

Enhancement of type is old and cannot be used

Explorer , I can see those non-existing classes from the log listed as Entities, but they have 0 ...  ? jakab Gergely Jakab You can delete old classes using the  Explorer of version 2.8.3_05 ... deleted some of the deprecated classes through the DB Explorer and then I got the following exception

mappedSuperClass and subClass Duplicates

When I subclass a mappedSuperClass, a table for both appears in the Explorer . Am I correct ... ... billdotnet Bill The super class is shown in the Explorer to enable viewing its schema and to enable opening ... However, it appears that the super classes in the explorer count toward the ten (10) table limit for the free

Query fails with failed to read

the explorer in client/server mode connecting to the database via our core module (which is using ... -17 19:14:43 #2 explorer ]  com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to deserialize (com.objectdb.o ... . Explorer $ Explorer .java:57)     at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch

combined index not used

-Georg Zwicker Running the query on the sample database that you sent in the Explorer shows ... the query or in ObjectDB. The Explorer includes changes that can help in examining different query ... running the query several times in the Explorer with the position hint: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as explained


understand the main effect of such drop operation would be on the list of classes in the Explorer ... I found a description that the DB Explorer should be capable to delete classes? But it seems not ... data303 Mark Egloff These features were included in ObjectDB 1.x Explorer but unfortunately

ObjectDB 2.8.4

an Explorer bug in presenting composite IDs. Fixed a bug in using date and time query parameters in the Explorer ( issue #2587 ). Fixed a bug in using local dates with BETWEEN in queries ( issue #2583 ... the process of creating objects in the Explorer ( feature request #2602 ). Fixed a performance issue in

References to objects of missing obsolete entity classes

? The objectdb explorer does not show any objects of the given class in the database. The class ... of deleting classes using the Explorer , so it may be related. We cannot reproduce the exceptions ... this feature of deleting classes in the Explorer ? Was

ObjectDB 2.3.0

Added the ability to edit databases in the Explorer ( issue #2 ). Added the ability to execute queries in the Explorer (issue #3 ). Other small Explorer improvements. Added support of IN operator in JPQL queries. Added support of ";drop" database url parameter. Adjusted the Enhancer to the new