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Explorer doesn't open file

Explorer doesn't open file...see attached error message and odb. Explorer doesn't cleanly close ... It seems as an ObjectDB Explorer bug is handling a specific field of the type java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit ... , the file is opened in the Explorer? support Support Yes, you're right. When I refactored the code to store

explorer locks local database in readonly mode

hi, my current use case is: execute unit test, verify results in explorer. my problem, i have to close the explorer before every run, and open it again after the tests are done. this slows down the whole process. i opened the database in readonly mode, but the file will be locked by the explorer

DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types

The DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types ... and then the database is broken for the DB Explorer. If I remove the deprecated entity types from the database manually before the schema update then the database can be opened in the DB Explorer after the schema update

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

another location, start the application then finally I could explore my data, but it will be just a copy ... what is shown in #2 junior Lekane Nimpa, Junior Please verify that both the application and the Explorer uses ... of the problem! The explorer requires objectdb.jar to run! May be, it uses the configuration file

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

Hello, I cannot set an entity object in a parameter for a bulk update in the explorer query ... does explorer not support an entity parameter for an update? Any time that I need to do a bulk update ... Pablo Berra You are right. Currently the explorer does not support an entity parameter in an update

ObjectDB Explorer don't show ManyToOne relations

Hello support. we have a problem with the ObjectDB Explorer and @ManyToOne relations. We persist ... for the attribute then the ObjectDB Explorer shows NULL for the attribute although our unit test checks ... the entity for the attribute then the ObjectDB Explorer shows the attribute. But we want to use interfaces

Difference performance in ObjectDB Explorer and in java project

Hello, I am learning ObjectDB and i noticed that the queries that are executed in ObjectDB Explorer ... of explorer? P.S. Two source files are attached. Konstantin Konstantin Queries are executed in the Explorer in a special lazy mode, which is faster in returning the results, but requires further round

Can't open DB-file with explorer, but from within my code it works

of the new version automatically 2) But I can't open the db-file with the objectDB explorer ... .4.7_18\objectdb-2.4.7_18\db\emf.odb' is opened by 1636@a36-PC [2013-04-12 15:58:55 #2 explorer ... .lang.Object using a no-arg constructor (error 352) at com.objectdb.Explorer$1.run(Explorer.java:56

Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references

objectdb-2.2.5_08 NetbeansID6.9.1+Glassfish3.01 I suspect the following is an Explorer bug ... ) We see that 2 Project objects were created, however in the database Explorer it lists size=0 for Project class ... Unfortunately it is a critical bug - it is not the Explorer but somehow your application generated

delete of a collection in explorer changes type

so the type changed to List<ObjectNode>. we are using explorer version 2.7.1_02 How can we change ... the Explorer or also the removal of content that you want to bring back (which is impossible ... , don't care about the content hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker The Explorer may show a different type

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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