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objectdb explorer in ver 2.2 and 1.0

that object explorer has lower functionality than in ver 2.2 eg garbarage collector or xml import ... You are right - some important features of ObjectDB 1.0 Explorer are not implemented yet in ObjectDB 2.2. This is because ObjectDB 2 was written almost from scratch and the old Explorer does not match

Starting Explorer programmatically

Hi wondering if it's possible to start Explorer from code. Reason: In cases where Gradle is used to manage the ObjectDb jar version, it would be useful to start the explorer from a Groovy script (or ... ;   dmoshal David Moshal The Explorer is a Java program, so you can simply call its main method

Feature Request: Improved ObjectDB Explorer

ObjectDB explorer is mainly designed as database viewer, not editor. However, I think ... this because although the explorer can edit Collections, it cannot edit Maps...and I have a lot of Maps I need to enter ... with everything! I also miss some things while using ObjectDB Explorer . I'll come with a list soon. zmirc

DB Explorer and Doctor unable to open DB file

Hi, one of my DB files can not be open by neither DB explorer , nor the DB Doctor. Both are writing ... The difference between your application and the Explorer /Doctor is that your application has access to all your classes, and the Explorer and Doctor try to work without your classes by generating

Using explorer with a live embedded db

I want to use ObjectDB explorer with a running embedded db. This issue:  http://www.objectdb ... an explorer on the same machine, trying to connect in both embedded and client-server mode. I ... that you set the correct  objectdb.conf file, i.e. the one that is accessed by the Explorer

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

is created (in attachement) but I cannot open it with ObjectDB Explorer (Message: "Cannot open file ... . Explorer $ Explorer .java:53) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch( ... ? Regards. duongphuhiep DUONG Phu Hiep There was a bug in the Explorer . The many-to-many relationship


. Everything is fine for now, but I have a question about Explorer . It works only in R/O mode, which in some cases is insufficient for effective work. Is there any plan to release a R/W version of Explorer ? lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Some Explorer features that were available in ObjectDB 1.0 are temporarily

Stacktrace in Explorer when running query

Hello, whenever I run a query in Explorer I get the following stacktrace (cf. attached file ... mapping entity fields to an Explorer view. Try to remove (or move) the file ~/.objectdb/ explorer .xml  (which may contain obsolete Explorer view settings) and then restart the Explorer . support

Explorer doesn't open file

Explorer doesn't open file...see attached error message and odb.   Explorer doesn't cleanly ... It seems as an ObjectDB Explorer bug is handling a specific field of the type  java.util ... .Object , the file is opened in the Explorer ? support Support Yes, you're right.  When I

explorer locks local database in readonly mode

hi, my current use case is: execute unit test, verify results in explorer . my problem, i have to close the explorer before every run, and open it again after the tests are done. this slows down the whole process. i opened the database in readonly mode, but the file will be locked by the explorer

DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types

The DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types ... and then the database is broken for the DB Explorer . If I remove the deprecated entity types from the database manually before the schema update then the database can be opened in the DB Explorer after the schema

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

another location, start the application then finally I could explore my data, but it will be just a copy ... in #2 junior Lekane Nimpa, Junior Please verify that both the application and the Explorer uses ... of the problem! The explorer requires objectdb.jar to run! May be, it uses the configuration file

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

Hello, I cannot set an entity object in a parameter for a bulk update in the explorer query ... ; Pablo Berra Pablo Berra Support? Do I doing something wrong or does explorer not support an entity ... . Currently the explorer does not support an entity parameter in an update query. support Support Dear Sirs

ObjectDB Explorer don't show ManyToOne relations

Hello support. we have a problem with the ObjectDB Explorer and @ManyToOne relations. We persist ... for the attribute then the ObjectDB Explorer shows NULL for the attribute although our unit test checks ... parent; } If we use the entity for the attribute then the ObjectDB Explorer shows the attribute

Difference performance in ObjectDB Explorer and in java project

;ObjectDB Explorer are faster (about 5 ms) than queries in my project (~400 ms). Here is my JPQL ... something or it is a feature of explorer ? P.S. Two source files are attached. Konstantin Konstantin Queries are executed in the Explorer in a special lazy mode, which is faster in returning the results

Explorer shows Long id, but should be Integer

Hi! I have seen a strange behavior of ObjectDB Explorer : it shows @Id as being Long, not Integer ... used for one project. If I open one of the entities in the explorer , then I click on it's id (in ... Explorer shows the field type as Integer, as it should normally be. I have attached just a small sample

Explorer query functionality

Is there a way in the Explorer to associate JPQL queries with query result windows?  I ... .2 the titles of Explorer query result windows show the query string. This is a small quick fix ... that are better than the ObjectDB Explorer . We have plans to improve the ObjectDB Explorer , including

explorer feature request: ability to auto refresh

Request for feature: Ability to auto-refresh an explorer view, say at regular intervals ... ) via the explorer .   dmoshal David Moshal Your feature requests were added to the issue tracking . ObjectDB 2.3 will support some of the features that were available in ObjectDB 1.x explorer

Table View for queries in the explorer ?

?   Is there a more advanced version of the explorer anywhere ? Thanks Paul Newman pnewman Paul Newman You can run a query in the Explorer also by selecting [Window Open Table Window] from the menu ... are displayed using a table view. More advanced versions of the Explorer will be released in

Explorer and multi-thread

When I use explorer .exe to browse the database in objectdb, eclipse tells me another app occupy ... the Explorer and view a database that is currently in use by anther process - you need the ability ... of the database in the Explorer while it is in use you will have to switch to client-server mode

How to run JPA query on Terminal instead of explorer.jar??

Because I am planning to run linux VM on Google compute Engine, I don't know whether is able to run Explorer .jar or not, if not able to run. What are the alternative way to explore database?  ... , you can still use the Explorer on your local computer and access databases remotely (assuming ports are not blocked

Delete class from DB - through Explorer

Hi! I was looking for ways to delete a class (entity/embedded) from a database through Explorer ... . However, it only affects the list of classes in the Explorer , so you may just ignore the deleted class ... either through your API or through the DB Explorer application. Thanks data303 Mark Egloff

explorer fails to connect to embedded server

since a while it is not more possible to connect to our running application with the explorer as ... Usually this error indicates using an Explorer version that is not compatible with the ObjectDB version ... ObjectDB version you still use an Explorer version of a previous ObjectDB version. support Support

Can't modify @EmbeddedId in ObjectDB Explorer

ObjectDB Explorer from its class. Ok, I get this. It's an @EmbeddedId, so it should depend ... ObjectDB Explorer , open entity Journal, expand the id, try to modify date/id, save, then refresh data ... Chirac ObjectDB doesn't support modifying object IDs, not just in the Explorer , but by

Problems Running ODB Explorer

When ODB is run in embedded mode (Eclipse), it is fine but the explorer throws the following exception:- [2013-01-21 13:40:36 #5 explorer ] com.objectdb.o.UserException: Too many persistable types ... in Eclipse in embedded mode), but not to the  objectdb.conf file that the Explorer uses

Trouble viewing db in Explorer.

I am having trouble with the Explorer .  I can open the db just fine. I can open a few simple extents and view/navigate fine also.  The problem occurs when I view the more complex extents. The Explorer will not repaint the right pane.  I drag off screen to force repaint and get(right

Refresh Explorer

Feature requests: 1) shortcut key for Explorer data refresh 2) ability to set 'auto-refresh' for explorer when run in client-server mode. ie: current view will refresh every n seconds. Thanks David   dmoshal David Moshal A new Refresh toolbar button and an accelerator key (Ctrl+R) were added in build 2.5.6_04. support Support

Bad Backups – Null Error when issuing simple query on backup via ObjectDB Explorer

I have attempted to access two different backups that were taken by ObjectDB’s internal backup API.  Upon attempting to access both of the databases via ODB Explorer (via server mode) I receive ... specific backups? Are other similar backups OK? Does it happen only in the Explorer or

ObjectDB Explorer very slow with remote con

Hi! I started to use ObjectDB Explorer to administrate a remote DB (on a server), but it seems to be very slow. The database is quite empty now, just between 5-20 records / entity ... remotely to see, if you provide connection details. support Support It sees that it wasn't Explorer's fault

Feature request - ability to refresh an open database view in explorer

The ability to refresh view in explorer automatically. Fine if this is read-only. Extra points if you can do this with local databases as well as remote. dmoshal David Moshal ie: "Real-time" auto refreshing explorer views. dmoshal David Moshal alternatively, clicking on a class name gets

problems using the explorer

several times, run...) as soon as we open the database wit explorer , view at the table, close ... automatically by the Maven example. If you open the database using the Explorer of version 2.5.5

Where do i download the explorer from

Hi, Where do i download the explorer from? I dont see any link. Please guide. Ravi ravionweb Ravi It is included in the zip file that can be downloaded from the download page  (with the entire ObjectDB distribution) in the bin directory. support Support

Error opening database with ObjectDB Explorer when using composite key

Hi, When I use a composite key in an entity and fill this database with this entity, ObjectDB explorer throws me an error when opening this database saying something about an invalid ID class and not able to locate a field. I can however retrieve entries from my program. An example program

ObjectDB Explorer Refresh Button

Could this be implemented so that newly added/removed/updated data can be shown in the explorer by refreshing its contents? ThreaT Ashton Hogan A new Refresh toolbar button and an accelerator key (Ctrl+R) were added in build 2.5.6_04. support Support

Backup from explorer

Is it possible to make a backup from the explorer ? jastorga Juan If the database is not in use you can use the File Open dialog and then copy and paste on the database file (right click a database file to see the copy command). But a safe online backup (while the database is in use) is not supported. support Support

ObjectDB Explorer Exposes Username and Password

How can I prevent my embedded database's username and password from being exposed by ObjectDB Explorer ? billdotnet Bill See url-history setting and the user and password attributes. support Support If I understand correctly, if someone were to remove the configuration file, the username

[Explorer] Editing Database Files

The new Explorer of ObjectDB 2 is currently a viewer rather than an editor. It always opens databases in a read only mode. The Explorer should support creating and storing new database objects ... that have been supported by the old Explorer of ObjectDB 1. It has been temporarily removed

Can't open DB-file with explorer, but from within my code it works

of the new version automatically 2) But I can't open the db-file with the objectDB explorer ... \objectdb-2.4.7_18\db\emf.odb' is opened by 1636@a36-PC [2013-04-12 15:58:55 #2 explorer ] [ObjectDB ... using a no-arg constructor (error 352) at com.objectdb. Explorer $ Explorer .java:56) at java.awt

Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references

objectdb-2.2.5_08 NetbeansID6.9.1+Glassfish3.01 I suspect the following is an Explorer bug ... ) We see that 2 Project objects were created, however in the database Explorer it lists size=0 for Project ... Kelly Unfortunately it is a critical bug - it is not the Explorer but somehow your application

delete of a collection in explorer changes type

changed to List . we are using explorer version 2.7.1_02 How can we change that back again ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Is it only an issue with the type of the field as shown by the Explorer or ... about the content hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker The Explorer may show a different type for a field with no value

Object DB Explorer fails to open database

try to open the database using Object DB Explorer , it fails.  I have attached ... _03 that was fixed in build 2.05_04. I just opened your sample odb file using the Explorer of 2.1.0 ... worked.  mithu1408 Md. Towfique Imam Hello again, I have another case where Object DB Explorer

[Explorer] Running Tools

The Explorer should support running ObjectDB tools (such as ObjectDB Server and ObjectDB Doctor) visually within the Explorer . This is one of the features that have been supported by the old Explorer of ObjectDB 1. It has been temporarily removed due to incompatibility with the new ObjectDB 2 code base. support Support

[Explorer] Executing Queries

The new Explorer of ObjectDB 2 supports retrieval of database objects by classes and navigation ... . This is one of the features that have been supported by the old Explorer of ObjectDB 1. It has been temporarily ... the Explorer is now supported by ObjectDB 2.3. support Support

Allow removal of entity class from ObjectDB & Explorer

Hi. It would be very useful to be able to delete an entire entity class from ObjectDB, but especially from Explorer . This is very useful for everyone, but also for clients that don't own a license ... .8.2 adds support of deleting classes in the Explorer . An obsolete class can be selected in

Blank explorer

Objectdb version: 2.6.9_06 OSX Sierra: 10.12.1 (16B2555) java version "1.8.0_66" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-b17) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b17, mixed mode) --------------------------------- running ./ explorer .sh results in a blank Explorer window

Explorer Features - refresh + viewing open embedded database

Request for feature: Ability to auto-refresh an explorer view, say at regular intervals of a few seconds. (at a minimum one ought to be able to manually refresh, for example the list of persistent types). additionally, it would be useful to be able to view an embedded database (read only mode) via the explorer . dmoshal David Moshal

Deleting a broken reference that was fixed to null in the Explorer

Using version 2.7.4_01, we did a repair. After repair a former link to a missing reference was converted to null. This cannot be deleted using explorer   hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Thank you for this report. Build 2.7.4_02 fixes the issue. support Support

Hard it is to add a record with explorer

This shows how hard it is to add a record with explorer .  When you add it, you have to find it in the list, if the list is real big you're in trouble., and since new object has no IDs you can't really search for it easily.  Should pop up a window to let you add values before adding

Object creation in the Explorer requires automatically set primary keys

The feature of creating new objects in the Explorer is currently supported only for entity classes that have primary keys that are set automatically. support Support

date parameter not working (probably) in explorer

in explorer , for a query like this:     select o from ObjectNode o where o.classIdentifier = '(PR)' and o.created ?1 we try to set the parameter (its a java.util.Date) in the parameters table. None of the following works: 2020-12-01 2020.12.01 {d '2020-12-01'} the parameter