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JPA Metamodel API

interface provides several methods for exploring user defined exploring managed fields and properties

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

node in the [Data Explorer] window and selecting New Data Source.Explorer] window and selecting New Data Set. Select

ObjectDB Object Database Features

> explorer">Database Explorer

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

In this step we will add a Spring Controller to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer] window) and selecting New > Class.

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

To store objects in an ObjectDB database using JPA we need to define an entity class: Right click on the project in the [Package Explorer] window and select New > Class. Enter tutorial

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

> Right click the WEB-INF node in the [Package Explorer] window, select New

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

In this step we will add a servlet to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [Create Servlet] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting New > Other... > Web > Servlet

Step 3: Add a Context Listener Class

the [New Listener] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

server. Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer Explains how to view and manipulate database files in the database explorer.

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

of the database garbage collector requires an explicit call. It can be run in the Database Explorer, as