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Slow loading from db

; loading the same data set takens a long time (more than 10 minute, maybe hours?). I am using "pm

Session lost

hi team we are implementing a web application based on the Liferay, system database is handled by JPA 2.0 and entity manager. when system is idle for a long period (for example 8 hours) the Session in the Persistance Context will be lost and the DB will

Maven repo down?

> It may take, however, a few hours for the DNS to be updated. support Support

New Index causing troubles

it on another instance, the app got just hanging for hours, JConsole stating there was no deadlock

How to creat a Query with Sql which returns a List marks

because we have to get this straight within two days, and my friend just mailed me that he has this problem. after sm hours i dont know

Java 9 support

can answer followup questions later today. CBE CBE I'm back for a few hours

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

> lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski For last few hours I was playing with above query and got

Logical "or" works not correcly when field is @Id and first position

Andreas Göbel One more hours of research later it seems, whenever an indexed field (means b

Weird issue with variable naming

hi, We've hit again against troubles with the variable naming when trying to get the query string with CriteriaQuery.toString(). I've tried three hours to replicate it without success, all I can say is that we do a LEFT JOIN on an embedded property as well as ordering

[ObjectDB 2.6.9] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

production it takes about 18 hours, and finish ok! jastorga Juan This report is similar