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use of Singleton into tomcat

; into it.(the entitymanagerFactory  IS A property of the only instance of class singleton. (the class singleton is not a Ejb!!!!!!!!!). into tomcat it not possible  use ejbs............. i ... can get the only instance of singleton for manage all operation on database. I get a instance of it into

RT Java application recording into 100DB run OOM after a few hours.

Hi, I am running a java application that records data from 100 feeds into 100 different database - this is done is one thread. It works fine several hours - and suddenly i got an out of memory issue (I checked there is no leak in java - I cleared the entity manager every 10 new entity) - I run

Finance data from SQL Server into ObjectDB daily

this make sense? Is there a way to map the structure of the table directly into ObjectDB from SQL Server

Error 613 - i cant put a list into a Squad object

the Athletes into a squad it brings up an exception. so the problematic line would u find int the main class

how to persist an object twice into two diff. collections of two diff. classes

ok my problem,    i persist a Squad Object into a Cup Object at the beginning, after i have to create and persist a competition object in which i have to put some of the already created/persisted squads. the final method looks like that: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { List

@Unique added afterward is not taken into account

Hello, I encounter an issue with the @Unique annotation. The annotation was added on a given field itemID (String), important point : the annotation was added afterwards (after objects were already added to the table). As a consequence the unique constraint is not taken into account

Integrating the ObjectDB logging into the application logging based on slf4j

We would like to write the logs of ObjectDB with into the log of our application. What do you use for logging? With or without slf4j and if so, what concrete implementation? Do you see a way to combine your logging with our logging? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems The ObjectDB logging is based

Need to close+open database for a commit to be taken into account

Need to close+open database for a commit to be taken into account

Insert time increases as db grows.

Hello, I've just installed ObjectDB and done some tests. I'm inserting 22k of records like 10k ... one entity have index on String column. Entities are not enhanced and inserts are committed in a separate ... ; then 11 seconds and so on. Should I change my config in some way to get more stable insertion time

Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load

1. I got about 10K inserts / second, is it normal? I would expect more than that, like close to 100K/second. I can definitely do 80K inserts /seconds on Oracle with batch insert on table with one primary key. 2. Is batch update/ insert operation supported? I attached the files. edy_at_ssn Edy Oey

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

Hello, I have a problem with inserting of many entities. We use strings as primary key and indices. But if the db table of the entity type contains more and more data then the inserting of further entities needs also more and more ram memory, this leads to out of memory exceptions. But if use

Insert a new entity class in a class hierarchy does not work

Hello, we have an entity class hierarchy and we want to insert a new entity in this hierarchy and our database must be automatically updated by schema evolution. Unfortunately it does not work ... would be also inserted new in the class hierarchy then it works well. See our example in the attachments. Execute

how to implement insert ignore in objectdb?

I want to implement Insert ignore in Objectdb. means if a column is declared as Unique but in case of duplicate it just ignore that row and should not throw exception. Thanks  Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana Ignoring duplicates is the default when unique is not specified, so the question

Cannot initialize db after inserting a java.util.List

Cannot initialize db after inserting a java.util.List

Significant I/O costs during batch update or insert data.

Significant I/O costs during batch update or insert data.

Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

I store images into objectdb. The schema is : ::=( , , , , ) ::=String ::=char ::=int ::=byte[] ::=@ID So simple a class will fail after 155,648 insertions with -Xmx1432m, ... NO = 151552 ... insertions ? Question 2 : Why the size of db increased to 16,671,309,824, while the original images

the tutorial netbeans and javaee6 dont work,

hi . i am Mauro . i have tried the tutorial for the objectDB and netbeans and JAvaee6 I have insert the like tutorial (for the embedded mode) . but when i have insert the name into form for to save the new guest into db , i get the following message from glassfsih:   HTTP

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

it into objectdb.jar, although not very pretty. Alternatively, see this forum thread and the solution ... another Problem... This code works : storageSvc.registerEntity(LocalEntity.class); storageSvc. insert (new ... run the code a second time (without the insert ) I get a ClassCastException (LocalEntity

persists and update together ?

hello on mysql i've seen;   INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b);   This query , inserts data or updates if its already available and this will reduce finding same object again. On jpa :     User obj2

Problem Using Reflection

I'm currently working on developing my own API to use with ObjectDB and I'm running into the following problem.  Using the API I can insert data into an empty database without any issues ... has already been added for this class, produces this exception. Any insight into why and how I


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.CacheStoreMode REFRESH Insert /update entity data into cache when read from database and when committed into database. Forces refresh of cache for items read from database. Since: JPA 2.0

virtual servers and one file

how breaking a database into multiple files, for example one file per entity class, may help ... files. ... but could you please provide more information regarding how breaking a database into ... . You may also insert a deliberate error in the  objectdb.conf  file - if the application

Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb

full), since the exact size depends on the order in which the data is inserted . But any unused space in a BTree ... window of time to perform these backups.  We've looked into using the replication strategy ... and if it exists, all preceding updates also exist. support Support Kevinwh, I'm looking into ObjectDB


Ran into this error for the first time (after many years of using odb): Caused by: com.objectdb.o ... guess I should read doco more. I ran into the same error from a pessimistically locked entity (global ... - but only after stress testing the insertion test case. 5 threads/100 repetitions gave Optimistic lock error

Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library

driven. This means we have several domains. Each domain is split into business layer and persistence ... ; How to use the example step-by-step: 1) Import all projects of the example #2 into your Eclipse (We use ... has three ant task files. You must insert your own activation code in the objectdb.conf. Clean up the project

Cannot insert more than about 2^20 objects

Hi I have a DB with 4 entities and a total of 4 index. Once I reach 1048565 total objects in the whole DB, i am unable to insert more object, although i get NO error message nor exceptions. Doctor said Db is fine (see below) I notice that 1048565 objects + 4 entities + 4 ID indexes + 4

ObjectDB JDBC to Object compiler

like " insert into ObjectT values('hasan','test')" to ObjectT obj = new ObjectT("hasan","test"); em

Optimization Question

to work on that falls into the category of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" because what we're ... FYI, a new ObjectDB 2 version that has just been released (2.0 RC3) improves performance of insert

OutofMemory error with Object DB 2.0

 odb file and inserts 200 records at a time. The transaction obtained from the PersistentManager ... to other ftp sites from my PC, but cannot connect to Our IT team is still looking into

Different behavior with persist() and queried instances?

the object instance after inserting it into the database everything is perfect -- in debugger


JPA Enum Constant in javax.persistence.CacheStoreMode BYPASS Don't insert into cache. Since: JPA 2.0


is responsible for updating the ordering upon flushing to the database to reflect any insertion , deletion, or ... insertable default true (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by


provider's default foreign key strategy will apply. Since: JPA 2.1 boolean insertable default true (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence


.0 boolean insertable default true (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT


a column of the inferred type. Since: JPA 1.0 boolean insertable default true (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider. Since: JPA 1.0 int


, the persistence provider's default foreign key strategy will apply. Since: JPA 2.1 boolean insertable default true (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence

Out of Memory - Slow leak?

has fixed the problem. The scenario is still the same: I have two "producer" processes which insert messages into an objectdb "queue" database running with an objectdb server process. I have one "consumer" process which reads messages from the queue database and inserts these into an embedded "normal

PersistenceUnitUtil.getIdentifier(entity) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.PersistenceUnitUtil Object getIdentifier (   Object entity ) Return the id of the entity. A generated id is not guaranteed to be available until after the database insert has occurred. Returns null if the entity does not yet have an id. Parameters


until after the database insert has occurred. Returns null if the entity does not yet have an id


state into database column representation and back again. Note that the X and Y types ... the value stored in the entity attribute into the data representation to be stored in the database ... the data stored in the database column into the value to be stored in the entity attribute. Note


subclass-specific attributes. Superclass subgraph entries will be merged into subclass subgraphs ... will be merged into subclass subgraphs. The value of this element is the name of the subgraph as

Can't open replicated database

to the initial empty state of the database. I inserted a few rows into the databases and still got the error

Activation & Object Model Enhancement

be possible to somewhat generate a key with maven & odb on developer machine that could be inserted into


to be inserted . Since: JDO 2.1 String defaultValue default "" Default value for this column ... default "" Value to be inserted when this is an "unmapped" column Since: JDO 2.1 String jdbcType default


JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Column String allowsNull default "" Whether the column allows null values to be inserted . Since: JDO 2.1


JDO Annotation Attribute in javax.jdo.annotations.Column String insertValue default "" Value to be inserted when this is an "unmapped" column Since: JDO 2.1


classes in the cache are first flushed to the datastore. Instances in the cache or brought into the cache ... . Elements of the candidate collection that are of the specified class are filtered before being put into ... all elements of the result specification. A single value must be able to be coerced into the specified


the values in these fields. The callbacks might also be used if the persistent instances need to be put into ... programmer would implement jdoPostLoad to put itself into the list of managed instances ... after the values are loaded from the data store into this instance. This method is not modified by


the class to implement PersistenceCapable prior to loading the class into the runtime environment ... into this instance Since: JDO 1.0 void jdoCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId (PersistenceCapable


the detached instance, and merges the persistent state of the detached instance into the persistent ... -value pair into the map of user objects. Since: JDO 2.0 void refresh (Object pc) Refresh