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RT Java application recording into 100DB run OOM after a few hours.

Hi, I am running a java application that records data from 100 feeds into 100 different database - this is done is one thread. It works fine several hours - and suddenly i got an out of memory issue (I checked there is no leak in java - I cleared the entity

Finance data from SQL Server into ObjectDB daily

the structure of the table directly into ObjectDB from SQL Server?   Thanks

Error 613 - i cant put a list into a Squad object

and it works, but if i want to extend my program with putting the Athletes into a squad it brings

how to persist an object twice into two diff. collections of two diff. classes

ok my problem,    i persist a Squad Object into a Cup Object at the beginning, after i have to create and persist a competition object in which i have to put some of the already created/persisted squads. the final method looks like that:

@Unique added afterward is not taken into account

taken into account when persisting an object which itemID is already present no error is thrown

Integrating the ObjectDB logging into the application logging based on slf4j

We would like to write the logs of ObjectDB with into the log of our application. What do you use for logging? With or without slf4j and if so, what concrete implementation? Do you see a way to combine your logging with our logging? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems

Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load

1. I got about 10K inserts / second, is it normal? I would expect more than that, like close to 100K/second. I can definitely do 80K inserts/seconds on Oracle with batch insert on table with one primary key. 2. Is batch update/insert operation supported? I

Need to close+open database for a commit to be taken into account

Need to close+open database for a commit to be taken into account

Insert time increases as db grows.

Hello, I've just installed ObjectDB and done some tests. I'm inserting ... and additionally one entity have index on String column. Entities are not enhanced and inserts ... to get more stable insertion time? 4410 Arsenii With enhanced classes you may get much better

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

Hello, I have a problem with inserting of many entities. We use strings as primary key and indices. But if the db table of the entity type contains more and more data then the inserting of further entities needs also more and more ram memory, this leads