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the tutorial netbeans and javaee6 dont work,

hi . i am Mauro . i have tried the tutorial for the objectDB and netbeans and JAvaee6 I have insert the like tutorial (for the embedded mode) . but when i have insert the name into form for to save the new guest into db

Eclipse4 RCP - No Persistence provider for EntityManager

> paddy Patrick Gerhardt You may try embedding it into objectdb.jar, although not ... ); storageSvc.insert(new LocalEntity()); List<LocalEntity> l = storageSvc.selectAll(LocalEntity.class); LocalEntity e = l.get(0); When I run the code a second time (without the insert) I

persists and update together ?

hello on mysql i've seen;   INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b);   This query , inserts data or updates if its already available

Problem Using Reflection

I'm currently working on developing my own API to use with ObjectDB and I'm running into the following problem.  Using the API I can insert data into an empty database without any ... , produces this exception. Any insight into why and how I can avoid this exception?

virtual servers and one file

more information regarding how breaking a database into multiple files, for example one file ... ; ... but could you please provide more information regarding how breaking a database into multiple filesinsert a deliberate  .result {padding : 2px 4px 0 4px;} .top-row

Vacuum - Reclaiming Unused Space In Odb

which the data is inserted. But any unused space in a BTree is normal and may help accelerating future ... and we have a limited window of time to perform these backups.  We've looked into using the replication strategy ... > I'm looking into ObjectDB for a new product I'm working on and am interested in the reasons


Ran into this error for the first time (after many years of using odb): into the same error from a pessimistically locked entity (global ... - but only after stress testing the insertion test case. 5 threads/100 repetitions gave Optimistic lock error


> the value of the field to be stored into the ObjectId. Returns: the value of the field to be stored into ... to be stored into the ObjectId.


> Whether the column allows null values to be inserted. inserted Default


> Value to be inserted when this is an "unmapped" column inserted when this is an "unmapped" column