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JPA Reference (JavaDoc)

"> All the other JPA types are organized into the following sections

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

, in some extreme situations this might cause the retrieval of the entire database into the memory

JPA Named Queries

/query/parameter">parameters rather than embedding literals dynamically into the query string


As explained in chapter 2, entity objects can be deleted from the database by: Retrieving the entity objects into an EntityManager. Removing these objects from the EntityManager

JPA Annotations for Java EE

The following JPA annotations are in use to integrate JPA into a Java EE application and are managed by the Java EE container:

What's next?

This chapter introduced the basic principles of JPA using ObjectDB. You can go into details by reading the other chapters of this manual. If you prefer to get started with ObjectDB right away you can follow one of the following tutorials to create and run the example program

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

is available only if Maven Integration for WTP is installed when the Maven project is imported into

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

is installed when the Maven project is imported into the IDE). Choose or define the server

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

> component is automatically constructed and injected by Spring into the guestDao field

JDO Annotations

JDO defines dozens of annotations that can be divided into the following groups: