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LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results

: if an embedded collection is empty, but I attempt to LEFT JOIN FETCH all the members of a collection ... , the following works (returns my instance of C): SELECT c FROM C c LEFT JOIN ... an empty result list: SELECT c FROM C c LEFT JOIN FETCH c.bList

multiple LEFT JOINs do not work as expected

$1 FROM Organisation $1 JOIN $1.attributeList $2 LEFT JOIN $1.parentOrg $3 LEFT ... demonstrates a similar tree model with LEFT JOIN that works. Please try to modify ... ;    "FROM Node n1 LEFT JOIN n1.parent n2 LEFT JOIN n2.parent n3 " +    

LazyInitialization / join fetch

_ , especialid4_.descricao descrica2_2_3_ from the User usuario0_ left outer join on area area1_ usuario0_.codigo_area = area1_.codigo left outer join on User usuario2_ usuario0_.codigo_chefe = usuario2_.codigo left outer join company empresa3_ on usuario2_.codigo_empresa = empresa3_.codigo left outer

Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

is clear: SELECT d FROM Department d LEFT JOIN FETCH d.employees ... outer join, except that the related objects specified on the right-hand side of the join operation ... JOIN FETCH WHERE d=:demand") .setParameter("demand", demand).getResultList();


> select doi from Doi doi left join fetch doi.metadata metadata left join fetch metadata.titles titles left join fetch metadata.creators creators left join fetch metadata.descriptions descriptions left join fetch metadata.publishers publishers left join fetch metadata


="teaser"> Left outer join. Left outer join ... > Defines the three types of joins. Right outer joins and right outer fetch joins are not required to be supported in Java Persistence 2.0. Applications

JPA Criteria API Queries

> left:0px">The following query ... _">select(c); left ... -bottom:8px; margin-left:0px">A CriteriaQuery instance is equivalent to a JPQL string


.criteriaInterface Join<Z,X> SetJoin A join ... JPA criteria API's Join in Chapter 4

JPA Queries

-toc> left:0px ... -bottom:8px; margin-left:0px">Criteria query elements are organized in this reference into three groups. left:0px">SELECT

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

for the JOIN operation of SQL Support of bound variables is mandatory, but support ... >...) clause must come first (i.e. on the left side), before any other appearance ... optional by JDO. Queries with unbound variables are similar to JOIN queries in SQL