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Issue with Casting / Joins

would it be something like SELECT FROM MyEntity e LEFT JOIN e.embeddeds em ... ().put("test", new EmbeddedA); ... // Try to query using join From<MyEntity> from = criteria.from(MyEntity.class); MapJoin<?,?,?> join = from.joinMap("embeddeds"); Path<?>

Catching exceptions from online backup

;   backupThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {     e ... ;  backupThread.join(); support Support I tested the improvement ... #c6ced3; background : #fffef2; overflow : hidden; font-size : 1px; width : 4px; } .left-border { border


"> Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Parameters

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

/jpa/query/jpql/from#inner_join">equivalent JOIN query. Entity Type ExpressionsJoin">Join and Join's descendants). Path ExpressionsJoin">Join interfaces (which are subinterfaces of

Issue with full cross joins

.verein.mitglied.Mitglied  $1 LEFT JOIN $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP $4,      ... hi, There seems to be an issue with full cross joins & maps. It seems that simple iteration on map values in JOIN

Database Explorer

automatically. Tabbed Windows Three tabbed windows are displayed on the left ... The [Query] window on the left side enables execution of JPQL and JDOQL ... of different Explorer components. Select one or more elements on the left side and then use the combo

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new Java project, using: left: 30px ... /eclipse/project.png" width="531" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> Click

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">Use copy ... /images/tutorial/guestbook/browser.png" width="549" height="334" style="display: block; margin-left ... /guestbook/explorer.png" width="629" height="408" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

on the left side of the Explorer desktop when a database is open. The "Class" window shows ... windows. Executing JDOQL queries The "Query" tabbed window on the left ... " tabbed window on the left side of the Explorer desktop lists all the persistent classes in

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

style="margin-left: 20px;">Returns true if obj is transactional, i.e ... (obj) left: 20px;">Returns true if objJDOHelper.isDeleted(obj) left: 20px;">Returns true if