Internal Website Search

51-60 of 139 resultsRefresh

Out of memory

" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" /> ... enabled="true" sync="false" path="." max="128mb" /> <recording enabled="false" sync ... ; <processing cache="64mb" max-threads="64" /> <query-cache

ObjectDB Enincompatible with Quarkus?

;url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max ... ="false" path="." max="100mb" /> <recording enabled="false" sync="false" path="." mode="write" /> <locking version-check="false" /> <processing cache="100mb" max

Performance Issues After Migrating to ObjectDB - Urgent Assistance Required

/log/" max="64mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" />             ... ;           <recovery enabled="true" sync="false" path="." max="2000mb ... ;processing cache="16000mb" max-threads="10" />                

Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

="50" user="true" password="true" />   <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false ... " path="." max="128mb" />   <recording enabled="false" sync="false" path="." mode="write" />   <locking version-check="true" />   <processing cache="1024mb" max-threads

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

;eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="10000"/>                     <expiration max-idle="100000"/> ... ;   <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="10000"/>       

Replication Issue

="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" />         ... ;   <recovery enabled="false" sync="false" path="." max="128mb" />     ... ;            <processing cache="64mb" max

Degrading performance overtime

; <url-history size="50" user="true" password="true" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max ... ="." max="128mb" /> <recording enabled="false" sync="false" path="." mode="write" /> <locking version-check="true" /> <processing cache="8mb" max-threads="10" /> <

The server cannot start in CentOS

" />   <network inactivity-timeout="0" />   <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb ... ="false" path="." max="128mb" />   <recording enabled="false" sync="false" path="." mode="write" />   <locking version-check="true" />   <processing cache="64mb" max

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

" password="true" /> <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false ... ="2kb" /> <recovery enabled="true" sync="false" path="." max="128mb" /> <recording ... ; <processing cache="64mb" max-threads="10" /> <query-cache results="32mb" programs="500

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

;          <log path="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout ... ="true" sync="false" path="." max="128mb" />           ... ;      <processing cache="64mb" max-threads="10" />