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Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

="" pool-resize-quantity="10" datasource-classname="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" max-pool-size

Memory leak while merging parent with No Cascade annotation with children

;    System.out.println("Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb);    

Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

(FlushModeType.AUTO); try { long l = (Long) q.getSingleResult(); if (l > Integer.MAX_VALUE

UserException: Invalid configuration in 'internal' - Check permissions

class="pre-java"> <log path="path/to/log/" max="8mb" stdout="true" stderr="false" />

Sample JDO Architecture for Follow Up Questions

> "Understanding Database max-threads objectdb.conf Settings Option" "How to do an Offline Database Backup

ObjectDB shuts down

the DB server RAM usage and it is max 2%, server has 16GB RAM altough it is a 32bit CentOS. Measurment

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

". You obtain 1 second max of query fetch. So my performance issue in

Threading Problem (maybe with Criteria)

-java"> <processing cache="64mb" max-threads="10" /> but the number of threads

multiple connection using share folder

> <server > <connection port="6136" max="3" /> <