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ObjectDB Object Database Features

Databases are also supported by ObjectDB. The combination of Object Database features ... . Up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 entity objects per database file. Unlimited database connections ... database files (the ObjectDB Doctor ). Standard Persistence APIs ObjectDB is the only Object -Oriented

ObjectDB - Object Database for Java (JPA/JDO)

solution. Using a relational database management system (RDBMS) to store and retrieve Java objects requires slow conversions between graphs of Java objects and flat database table rows. Object Relational ... with a database . ObjectDB is an extremely easy to use pure Java Object Database , which supports JPA

Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases?

. However, you should consider the following points when doing your own objective comparison of object databases : ObjectDB is unique in supporting the standard APIs. It is the only object database with built in ... of the Java Data Objects (JDO) API than competing object databases . By using a standard API such as JPA

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

The Java Persistence API (JPA) provides various ways to retrieve objects from the database ... of the database . The persistence context serves as a cache of retrieved entity objects . If a requested ... with data that is retrieved from the database (or from the L2 cache - if enabled). The new entity object

Database Explorer

of a single field in a single database object . This type of viewer is useful for viewing data of a simple ... models, is preferred. A Tree window displays objects as a tree. Every database object is represented ... provide easier navigation. Because every reference between two database objects is represented by

Working with JPA Entity Objects

), which can represent physical objects in the database . Managing an ObjectDB Object Database using JPA ... database objects . Entity Object Life Cycle The life cycle of entity objects consists of four states ... the database . An entity object becomes Managed when it is persisted to the database

Storing JPA Entity Objects

New entity objects can be stored in the database either explicitly by invoking the persist method ... its state to Managed. The new entity object is stored in the database when the transaction ... class. Only instances of entity classes can be stored in the database independently. Objects

Detached Entity Objects

Detached entity objects are objects in a special state in which they are not managed by any EntityManager but still represent objects in the database . Compared to managed entity objects , detached ... the database unless modified detached objects are merged back into an EntityManager to become managed

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

Existing entity objects can be deleted from the database either explicitly by invoking the remove ... an object from the database it has to first be retrieved (no matter which way) and then in an active ... object is physically deleted from the database when the transaction is committed. Embedded objects

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

This chapter describes how to use ObjectDB to manage database objects . 6.1  Making ... . represents some database content, or a transient object , i.e. not related to any database . Storing Objects ... the assignment of names to objects in the database and the storing of instances of any persistent type