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Deleting JPA Entity Objects

Existing entity objects can be deleted from the database either explicitly by invoking ... In order to delete an object from the database it has to first be retrieved (no matter ... is physically deleted from the database when the transaction is committed. Embedded objects

Updating JPA Entity Objects

Modifying existing entity objects that are stored in the database is based ... object is physically updated in the database when the transaction is committed. If the transaction ... can be cascaded from all the entity objects that have to be stored in the database, including from

Database Management Settings

>1,000,000 entity objects per database) requires specifying a valid activation code using ... The <database> configuration element specifies back end (database ... configuration file contains the following <database> element:

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

/remove_Object">remove. Database updates are collected and managed in memory ... In JPA a database connection is represented by the EntityManager interface. Therefore, in order to manipulate an ObjectDB database

Database Schema Evolution

. The database object is only updated to the new schema when that entity object is stored to the database ... to the persistent fields of an entity class are detected by ObjectDB. New entity objects have to be stored in the new class schema, and old entity objects, which were stored previously in the old class schema

Can I use ObjectDB to access a relational database?

is a full featured standalone Object Database Management System (ODBMS) and not an ORM tool, so it is not ... To access relational databases using the Java Persistence API (JPA) you will need an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, such as Hibernate, TopLink, EclipseLink, Open JPA or DataNucleus

Is ObjectDB better than Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?

As noted above, using ObjectDB instead of a relational database and ORM  ... of a relational database is mandatory (e.g. as a result of a customer request or when a new application is developed for an existing old relational database). By using the Java

Is ObjectDB a NoSQL Database?

ObjectDB is a unique NoSQL database. It doesn't have the known disadvantages ... of SQL, but they are easier to use in object oriented languages such as Java. In addition, unlike most other NoSQL databases, ObjectDB supports full ACID (atomicity, consistency

Database Connection using JPA

to a database is represented by an EntityManager instance, which also provides functionality for performing operations on a database. Many applications require multiple database connections during their lifetime. For instance, in a web application

What is the Java Data Objects (JDO)?

databases, using plain old Java objects (POJO) to represent the object model. Unlike Java Persistence API ... with both relational and object databases. JDO is supported by many object databases, including ObjectDB, and it is probably the most popular Java API for object databases today.