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Delete object from collection versus delete from JPQL

if there is a bi-directional relationship between the objects in memory and ObjectDB.  I know I can modify the objects and use persist() to write them to the database.  But does running a JPQL ... , and accordingly break the synchronization between memory and database objects. See these manual pages

EntityManagerFactory objects being locked during EntityManager creation

with ObjectDB wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object ... ;     at com.adheris.cap.consumerframework.database.ReprintCacheDatabase.createDao ... .consumerframework.database.ReprintCacheDatabase.createDao(  

can't get HashMap out of the database

the database OK, but the map is always empty when I get the entity out of the database again. objects. I've modified the test code  to be a bit closer to the actual code and I am now getting a null pointer exception trying to access the map in the nested object:

persisting object with long[][] arrays of array

arrays. Persisting 100,000 small objects (arrays) to the database is expected ... Hi, I have an object I am trying to persist (java ... - it hangs on getTransaction().commit(); Here is the object:

Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

.com/questions/3642151/detach-jpa-objects-with-lazy-initialized-properties">Detach JPA objects ... /mhonarc/lists/eclipselink-users/msg05258.html: Detached Objects ... finds how to load the entities of the lazy loading association from the database, when it needs

Refresh data in application after database data has changed

Hi, I have a Java program that can manage and create some Person objects ... already in the database, my program has to block the creation. So far so good. Now... I have a person in my database with the same national number as a person I want to add. However when I

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

>Question 1: After my test, the database file is created (in attachement) but I cannot open ... object from User object and Underlying object (but not through theirs keys). I'd like to work with typed object in the code whenever possible, and make key usage as transparent as possible

Object belongs to another EntityManager - ERROR

when trying to insert/update a record in database [ObjectDB 2 ... ) Failed to commit transaction: Object 'pbdmodel.impl.OrgJedinicaImpl#8' belongs ... ) Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Object 'pbdmodel.impl

JPA Composite Key make Object Db throws "Unexpected exception (Error 990)"

Hello Object Db community :) I am using this wonderful library and I ... are compliant with the object Db Documentation: Unfortunately, while merging the entity, object db is throwing the following Exception :

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

which create and persist a large object in a loop 100 times each 2) Create 5 get threads which read 100 objects each in a loop based on object creation time and priority The message size ... . The objectdb cache settings are low in the config - database section is below for reference.