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calling persist on an object more than once

, then it might be helpful to: a) provide a better help message (ie: 'you called persist more than once on object ... regarding the Object">persist method: persist does access the database, so checking for existing entity in the database

Using the wrong class to access a database

> The database is fine but the application tries to cast the retrieve object of the old class ... > I've created a small program to test the Point database described in the Getting Started section ... planned. Then, I created another program, just to test if I can access the database from

Performance with large databases

When populating a large database (10s of GBs) performance drops suddenly at a certain time whenever I run the populating application.  Is there typically a database size ... This may be explained by examining the ratio between the database size and the available RAM

Optimistic lock failed for object

class="code">Caused by: com.objectdb.o._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object Is there any way to force the database to use pessimistic locking only? I've ... /database#the_locking_element">this settings. support Support Thanks, that setting

Fields in objects not populated in query result.

>none of the Folder objects has its fields populated. Running the same query from ... which are @Entitys are loaded from the database. I don't specify Enhancement mode or Reflection mode ... ;database/post">these instructions regarding the source code format. support Support

Database File Compression

ObjectDB database files are usually smaller than database files of other Database Management Systems (object databases and relational databases) but additional internal compression ... consumes CPU time. So the effect of using compressed ObjectDB database file on performance is unknown yet. support Support

[Explorer] Editing Database Files

a viewer rather than an editor.It always opens databases in a read only mode. The Explorer should support creating and storing new database objects and editing and updating existing database objects, visually, with no code. This is one of the features that have been supported by

Chapter 1 - Quick Tour

a simple database that contains points in the plane. Each point is represented by an object ... demonstrates CRUD database operations by storing, retrieving, updating and deleting Point objects ... on how to start using JPA in your IDE with the ObjectDB object database. Given the simplicity of ObjectDB, that should be quick and easy even for a novice.

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

> persist - for storing a new Guest entity object in the database ... > objects from the database. By using Spring components we can move some ... Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a Data

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

> entity object in the database. getAllGuests - for retrieving all the existing Guest objects from the database. By using Spring ... Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a Data