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URGENCY, or in query does not report any objects on first operand having no results

this query does not return any objects even there are lot of objects to return for the second operand: select a from Action a where (a.state = 2 or a.state = 3) and a.type = 0 ... ;that seems relevant was fixed in build 2.8.9). Can you share a sample database that demonstrates the issue

Example database world.odb

database persistent objects that describes the relationships OneToMany and ManyToMany? I ... Hello! Where can I find classes for example database world.odb? database to the standard output in JSON format. You will need google-gson

Doctor for large database

Hi, I am trying to fix database file with more than 1 million objects ... class="stacktrace pre-shell"> Creating a database copy... .................................................. 1000000 objects Too many persistent objects (>1000000

Too many objects for this ObjectDB Edition

Hi, I have been encountering an error when my odb file is larger than 512kb "Too many objects for this ObjectDB Edition." I haven't been able to find any info ... Murray It is a restriction of the free edition. Please see this database/purchase">license page. support Support

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

> You can try deleting these objects in batches, using several transactions, each transaction will delete ... class="code">LogEntry instances in the database. Alternatively you may try using

embedded objects marked final not persisted.

Discovered that embedded objects marked final are not persisted. I'm not exactly sure why that should the case. Is this a bug?   database/post">simple single top class test case. support Support

Finding an object by its datetime

of course). My resultlist from my query gets zero results. I want to search for objects by exact ... > Could you please send a complete runnable example, as described in the database/post">posting

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

Hello, I cannot set an entity object in a parameter for a bulk update in the explorer query execution. The format Entity#001 works well for the parameter in the WHERE clause ... a special program. A database needs to have a tool for that. Thanks. Pablo Berra

Add Indexes to existing Database

annotation to a member of an existing Entity. This changes affects also existing databases. Is there any best practice how to do the versioning of existing databases? Just open and save everey Object ... ">this page as well as this database#the_index-update_element

Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer)

>   quasado Alexander Adam The attached database is empty. support Support ... objects in the Explorer but no exception is thrown - only the serialized fields display an error ... > If you have a problem in retrieval of this entity object also in your application - please provide the exception