ObjectDB ObjectDB

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URGENCY, or in query does not report any objects on first operand having no results

this query does not return any objects even there are lot of objects to return for the second operand: select a from Action a where (a.state = 2 or a.state = 3) and a.type = 0 and a.transferred = 0 ... , 2.8.9? (issue #2853 that seems relevant was fixed in build 2.8.9). Can you share a sample database

database optimization

Hi, couple of questions regarding database optimization: 1) Noticed something odd with the level 2 ... set of objects. dmoshal David Moshal Memory management in Java is a complex topic and in some cases smaller cache might be slightly more efficient because keeping objects in memory for longer time

Benchmark native JPA of Versant database (without datanucleous)

Now Versant DB (db4o commercial) has JPA implementation Can you benchmark this Object Oriented DB to compare with Object DB? joseaio Jose A. Illescas Since the Versant Object Database (unlike db4o) is not open source it would be impossible to include it in the JPAB benchmark results

World database - Changing country ID

the primary key of an existing entity object is not allowed and the Explorer should be fixed to prevent it. If you have to change the primary key you should create a new entity object with the new primary key and delete the old entity object (and of course, update relevant references). Regarding

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

these objects in batches, using several transactions, each transaction will delete the results of a query on the LogEntry instances that returns part of the LogEntry instances in the database

Optimistic lock failed for object

Hi, I seem to be getting a lot of these optimistic locking errors: Caused by: com.objectdb.o._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object Is there any way to force the database to use pessimistic locking only? I've tried various xml configurations, and also various transaction

Fields in objects not populated in query result.

= rootFolderQuery.getResultList(); none of the Folder objects has its fields populated. Running ... to entities] } No fields which are @Entitys are loaded from the database. I don't specify

Entity object parameter in Explorer parameter

Hello, I cannot set an entity object in a parameter for a bulk update in the explorer query execution. The format Entity#001 works well for the parameter in the WHERE clause, but it doesn't work in ... , I need to compile a special program. A database needs to have a tool for that. Thanks. Pablo Berra

Add Indexes to existing Database

of an existing Entity. This changes affects also existing databases. Is there any best practice how to do the versioning of existing databases? Just open and save everey Object? thanks Arne Arne Arne

Database is locked when in use

the odb files in the file system but the same i was able to do it in object db 1.0. We supprt export ... a database when it is in active use is unsafe. With ObjectDB 2.x you should use online backup ... to EntityManager. In ObjectDB the same object is an instance of both interfaces. support Support Thanks

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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