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21-30 of 200 resultsRefreshjavax.persistence.Persistence JPA Class Persistence java.lang.Object ∟ javax. persistence . Persistence Bootstrap class ... schema generation to occur. The Persistence class is available in a Java EE container environment as ... . The Persistence class is used to obtain a PersistenceUtil instance in both Java EE and Java SE | |
Working with JPA Entity Objects Entity objects are in-memory instances of entity classes ( persistable user defined classes ... the database. An entity object becomes Managed when it is persisted to the database via an EntityManager’s persist method, which must be invoked within an active transaction. On transaction commit | |
javax.persistence.CascadeType.PERSIST JPA Enum Constant in javax. persistence .CascadeType PERSIST Cascade persist operation Since: JPA 1.0 | |
Entity Management Settings" ) specifies whether the Enhancer Agent should be loaded to enhance persistable types on the fly ... . The possible values of the reflection attribute represent different policies: "error" - all persistable ... the reference type for holding non dirty entities in the persistence context of the EntityManager | |
Defining a JPA Entity Class Point objects from the database: package com.objectdb.tutorial; import javax. persistence .Entity; @Entity public class Point { // Persistent Fields: private int x; private int y; // Constructor: Point ... an entity class. An attempt to persist Point objects in the database without marking the Point class | |
JPA Exceptions.Throwable java.lang.Exception java.lang.RuntimeException javax. persistence .PersistenceException javax. persistence .EntityExistsException javax. persistence .EntityNotFoundException javax. persistence .LockTimeoutException javax. persistence .NonUniqueResultException javax. persistence .NoResultException | |
Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries supports the following query hints: "javax. persistence .query.timeout" - sets maximum query execution time ... . persistence .lock.timeout" - sets maximum waiting time for pessimistic locks, when pessimistic locking ... ): For the entire persistence unit - using a persistence .xml property:   | |
Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API Instances of user defined persistable classes (entity classes, mapped super classes and embeddable ... defined persistable classes can participate in direct comparison using the = and operators ... expression) and uses the dot ( . ) operator to navigate through persistent fields to other objects | |
[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries . An Extent , for instance, can be used to retrieve all the instances of a specified persistent class ... three components: A candidate collection containing persistent objects (usually an Extent ) A candidate class (usually a persistent class) A filter, which is a boolean expression in a Java like syntax The query | |
[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections is obtained by the PersistenceManager . On every attempt to modify a persistent object, within an active ... the same persistent object at the same time, and conflicts are detected at commit time ... . javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalWrite Indicates whether or not persistent objects (i.e. objects |