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Criteria Query Expressions

The following interfaces are in use in representing general expressions in criteria queries: queries/criteria"> See the query/jpql/expression">Query Expressions section for more details and examples.

JPA Annotations for JPQL Queries

The following annotations are used to define static named JPA queries: query/named">JPA Named Queries section of the ObjectDB Manual explains and demonstrates how to use these annotations to define named JPQL queries.

JPA Annotations for SQL Queries

The following JPA annotations are designated for SQL queries on relational databases: ObjectDB supports only the preferred JPA query language, JPQL, and silently ignores all the above annotations.


Interface Query Interface used to control query execution. Learn how to define and use JPA/JPQL queries in

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

. For example, the following query returns Country objects that become managed by the TypedQuery<Country> query = em.query.getResultList

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

The FROM clause declares query identification variables that represent iteration over objects in the database. A query identification variable is similar to a variable of a Java enhanced ... > Range Variables Range variables are query identification variables

ObjectDB Object Database Features

, grouping queries and aggregate queries) which are usually missing from Object Oriented Databases ... >Query query-cache_element">program cache (for repeating queries with different arguments). Query


> Interface Query The Query interface allows ... is the factory for Query instances. There may be many


Annotation Query Annotation for a named query. Corresponds to the xml element "query ... ="/api/java/jdo/annotations/Query/extensions" title="Annotation Element of javax.jdo.annotations

addSubquery(sub, variableDeclaration, candidateCollectionExpression, parameters)

Query" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Queryvoid addSubquery(  Query" title="Interface in javax.jdo">Query sub,   String variableDeclaration,