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Performance problem

. In our web application this behaviour gives aprox 10-13 s of refreshing a data table vs 2 second ... from JBoss. • Result - 3 seconds for 50 to 1000 results (this is from JBOSS Vaadin application The production database on the production server from JBoss • Result - 13 seconds for 50 to 1000 results

Insert time increases as db grows.

: 8,5 seconds against 30 seconds with hibernate+mysql. Then I started the test again and got 9,5 seconds ; then 11 seconds and so on. Should I change my config in some way to get more stable insertion time ... and everything worked like a charm: the execution time of test now is around 2 seconds . Thanks for assistance. 4410 Arsenii

Homepage and forum nearly inaccessible

an additional data point I'm experiencing a 15 or so second delay here in Canada where  a second ... times I have up to 15 seconds waiting time for a request to complete. Sometimes it doesn't ... Canada too - one or two second response time. Thank you ObjectDB for your quick fix

First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

. SQLite in comparison responds within few seconds on average with the same number of records. We hope ... of 5 records per second . Each add is a single new object and is wrapped in a transaction. 2. The 2nd ... for about 60 seconds . By this time a number of new records are already being added by

Merge Issue: Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value

(a); // second managed B instance         em.getTransaction ... ,  storing 3 B instances can be explained. The second B instance is duplicated to a managed B ... the first transaction. Second B instance is created in the merge operation in the second transaction

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

and then the "Therepeautic Drug Screen". Enter integers in the first 2 text fields and select any dates in the second ... . Please give it a second try with these instructions: 1. Download eclipse 3.62 from http://download ... category is selected at the bottom of the page. Uncheck "E4 Runtime Features" ( second in the list

Remove not working

nothing other than retrieving the object and removing it. No second remove in the same or any ... the second time. I did not think this would be required because I had PersistenceManager.ignoreCache=false.  I expected the second Extent gathering to notice that my transaction had deleted an object

TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA


"Attempt to lock a non entity object" error

and then doCancelEdit works fine. Second time I doEdit produces the error "Attempt to lock a non entity ... ;    System.out.println("After second lock before update: " +;   ... ; System.out.println("After update before second rollback: " +;     

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

Hi, I have observed that 500 Mb objectDb database opening time is very slow (~3 seconds ... of a second to open a database of any size. Please provide more details. If you can make this specific ... to understand what activity is done during these 3 seconds . support Support I will prepare test application

client server mod of communication

/settercode.mem;user=admin;password=admin");     i do not want to first one, i want second ... . support Support On a second thought, your question is probably:     Can I use in ... returned: 1 BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds ) Using Server mode public class MyClient { public

Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute

null is returned. I have tried to clear the entity manager in the second call to make sure the reading ... the entity manager in the second call to make sure the reading will be done from the DB but no success ... , when I check the document instance in the second call, the collection of readings is null but the rest

Date field Index is corrupted due to time change

at any one time. The load never exceeds more than 5 transactions per 10 seconds .   So far we know ... seconds . All other functions of the system continued as usual, however the DB started reporting ... ;      calendar.set(Calendar. SECOND , 0);       

Pessimestic Locking doesn't release when application unexpectedly terminates.

take no more than 1-2 seconds to complete, then setting an expiration time of 5 seconds should be safe ... , could the lock be released say 5 or 10 seconds after the connection has broken.   As a side note, I

Performance of "InsertTest"

(and enhancement) it persists 340,000 objects per second ". Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load Now, ten years later, I run it on Intel Core i5-5300U (2.3Ghz) with 8GB memory, output is 45000 per second ... ? After the augment of em.clear(), output changes to 301000 per second . It still below your original InsertTest

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

, because sometimes it doesn't work, but you don't know. It's the second time when I encounter this bug in 2 ... can be found, so I don't have to modify this second project, because this is much larger ... , without needing to redeploy/run the app the second time (after the wrong numbers are printed

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

the second junit test, you will see heaps of calls like: AttributeName EQUALS method called ... only at the database id.   Second issue. The docs at: state ... if you describe your expectations more clearly. In the second problem - do you expect disabling cascading through keys

find() delay

is enabled. support Support L2 cache? I'm not sure. But why the second find() will output? By the way, a query "select e from nodes e" will be ok regardless of the first time or the second time ... I'm doubting the example in jpab.jar runs twice in each test and choose only the second result, maybe

find repeated records by JPQL

a parameter argument for the second outer query. support Support You may try splitting the query ... argument for the second outer query. Your suggestion is not feasible. I want to get a list of extinct ... the result collection as a parameter argument for the second outer query. gzdillon Lai Yang The inner query

Doctor - high memory usage

.objectdb.Doctor.main( [ObjectDB 2.1.1_04] Java heap space and second try: odb@devodb ... well with the default configuration - it took ~10 seconds to check the database and additional 20 seconds to rebuild a new database. With 256MB max heap size I got the same  OutOfMemoryError

Replication Error

everything is ok. Afterwards i added the replication tag to the configuration of the second server and started it. The second server starts complaining instantly with the following Exception: com.objectdb ... This message is repeated every few seconds . I already tried to fix

Failover from Master to Slave

, ObjectDB should automatically switch to the second URL and promote it as master, and DB ... may have to be delayed a few seconds to let all live applications see the change, but a delay of a few seconds should be acceptable in most applications. support Support Hello, ragarding switching from and performance

of them has a parent and some childs) it takes about 70 seconds . Doing the same iteration with items that are not ... about 37 seconds and "" takes about 33 seconds doing

Apparent Lazy Loading issues.

at the output from the second junit test, you will see heaps of calls like: AttributeName EQUALS method ... to look only at the database id. Second issue. The docs at: ... described as issue #618 . A fix will not be available immediately. It is unclear if the second

Pessimistic Lock Timeouts setting

it at '0' all the way to '10000' (10 seconds ) I can't accomplish this. The ideal case ... ; I used  5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) and I never saw the issue again. I assume you are using

find() cost unreasonable time!

Hi, I make a full binary tree of 4095 node, I check the first 9 node, but the root cost 24 seconds , why? Result: =========== find time @ 24.125000 getSons time @ 0.000000 1 : type:Nodes, sons:2 ... = (System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000f;   System.out.printf("Insert: %f objects per second %n", iNum

Exception on creation when running multithreaded

; Everything works fine when running with one thread, however, when adding a second thread some ... objects and then the second query for the organisations returns 800 objects as expected.   eitane

Performance in SELECT statement

/ setters ... } when I query by the "state" field in TestEntity it tooks several seconds to retrieve ... the second entity completely and integrate its 3 variables directly in the TestEntity... but it makes

Optimistic Locking

(); c1.increase(); // Second user retrieves and updates the Counter:   PersistenceManager pm2 ... ().commit(); pm1.close(); // Second user commits - fails with JDOOptimisticVerificationException

java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI

.MINUTE, 0);         cal.set(Calendar. SECOND , 0);    ... ;       cal.set(Calendar. SECOND , 0);       

Server connection management

a few seconds after it becomes accessible again. Inactivity Timeout You can set the inactivity timeout  in seconds and it affects both the client and the server side:       

PersistenceManager.getObjectsById(Collection,boolean) throwing JDOException

I have a call to getObjectsById(Collection,boolean) that is throwing a JDOException the first time I'm attempting to retrieve an object. If I try again, then the second request succeeds. Any idea ... getting. Your advice to ignore them explains why it would work the second time around.  I believe

EntityManager creation taking long time

In our production environment, entity manager creation, the line below, sometimes take upto few ten's of seconds to create. Is there any reason that is known which may be causing this ? Any ... seconds to return. CAPdev CAP Dev Is it client-server mode or embedded mode? If client-server mode

Bidirectional OneToMany is slow on updated items

Hello, I have a problem with the following situation. I insert persons with addresses. In the first run, they are all new with a new address. It runs fast. In the second run, the persons are all loaded and got a second address. This seams to be much slower. The Entities are all enhanced by

Group by date / time

, DAY , HOUR , MINUTE , SECOND ) was just added to ObjectDB in build 2.2.8_02. For example ... ;     "HOUR(e.t), MINUTE(e.t), SECOND (e.t) FROM MyEntity e",    

Query filter comparing Dates

collections in the first pack of queries and non-zero size results in the second pack ? I ... , minutes, seconds , and milliseconds are 0, but relative to UTC. Therefore, the parameter to the query

Grouping by date()

({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 59. SECOND ({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 0. Quite often I ... ) - Extracts the time part (hour, minute, second , millisecond) as a Date instance. Please try

significant performance decrease

queries increased with this database size to an unacceptable rate (several seconds compared ... for query like this (400000 ObjectNode instances, database size around 1.5 GByte): around 1.5 seconds

First persist takes long time

Second persist of FirstEntity Transaction: 1 Persist: 0 First persist of SecondEntity Transaction: 117 Persist: 103 Second persist of SecondEntity Transaction: 2 Persist: 0

Entity can be found by find() but not by query

run in parallel. The first transaction is closed before the second transaction will be opened ... again, or we wait a certain time (maybe 10-20 seconds ) after opening the database before we execute

Annotate a Map field with @ElementCollection or @Basic

.EAGER) . It is little bit faster as before. But also this configuration needs 80 seconds in comparing to @Basic (60 seconds ). btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Another possible difference

queries more than 10 times slower using 2.8.1 versus 2.7.6

in 2.7.6 around 5-10 seconds takes in 2.8.1 around 150-200 seconds : SELECT DISTINCT o.parentNode ... = 'TECHNOLOGY')" 2.7.6, 3 seconds 2.8.1, 16 seconds   query 2: "select distinct o from ObjectNode o

DISTINCT key causing internal exception on 2.6.4.b10

" is missing at the end of the query. Please check the query. Second , if there is an internal ... and you will see no problems with this query Second , I have attached a) Screenshot for used ObjectDb version b) Original

combined index not used

seconds . Could you please check running that query in the Explorer? support Support Execution time ... -var-order=p1]] execution time around 60 seconds Query plan 1/16 description

Bug when using SIZE in combination with date lower parameter

which is correct, the second query also returns 1 result but 0 tags which is obviously wrong ... , for the second query 1 year in the past. Otherwise there would be no bug. My provided test case

new objects not available in mappedBy associations

the second query. Do I need to call refresh() on the object, query, or EntityManager? ps: setting ... at all, I was expecting that the object would be returned in the second query. That doesn't happen

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

use a second database. Within the real transaction we work with a copy of this database. This enables us to repeatedly commit on the second database and in case of a fault we can still recover

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

) or ( = "startableState" and p1.doubleValue = 0)) 2.7.6 takes around 4 seconds 2.7.6_04 takes 200 seconds and reports in query plan:   Query plan 1/2 description

NullPointerException when using multithreading

and have activated the license.  My application is persisting about 1000 of these each second from among 500 active threads.  Between each persist, the thread sleeps for half a second . 

Different behavior for two equal queries

and prepare final results. Second query (which fails): Query Plan Description ... results. quasado Alexander Adam By the way, the second query also has way too many executions in