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101-150 of 160 results

Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

automatically. Second, I'm using an array of entities inside another entity, and setting the elements of that array without calling JDOHelper.makeDirty.  These changes are also automatically ... well but it may be less portable. I'm using an array of entities inside another entity, and setting the elements of that array

Bug: ClassCastException by retrieval

Hi, when a generic array put into ObjectDB, its type changed to Object[]! codes: package test; import java.util. Arrays ; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EntityManager ... .getTa()); System.out.printf(" Arrays : %s %n", Arrays .toString(tn2.getTa()));   Character[] la

Navigation to Collection Elements

") // the element itself is a map How about arrays like x. array [1] and x. array [1][2] ? Thanks & Best ... it to be done in JPA/JDO queries. How about arrays like x. array [1] and x. array [1][2] ? If such navigations ... expressions (by using JPA's JOIN or JDO's contains). The array expressions that you wrote are not

Dirty checking

thinking, I need to: 1) set the config file to track array changes. 2) capture all entities changed ... another transaction. Note that you have to enable array change tracking only if you have Java arrays (e.g ... portable and more efficient) are automatic. support Support Great, thanks, I'm not using Java Arrays

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

de.solvit.objectdbtest.entity.Street; import java.util. Arrays ; import java.util.List; import java.util ... class Main {     private static final List locations = Arrays .asList(    ... ;  );     private static final List streets = Arrays .asList(     

Unable to convert 1.x odb file to 2.x

check the attachments. I believe this could be caused by having an array of objects as the value in ... data. support Support Thanks for your help. The issue with the object array in a map I will solve via some migration to a structure where the value in the map will be a user defined class containing the array . jakab Gergely Jakab

Saving custom list which implements java.util.List fails

: ... For example, the Arrays .asList method returns an instance of an internal Java collection type ... EntityWithList { private List words = Arrays .asList("not", "ArrayList"); } @Entity public class Point ... defined classes. Notice, however, that similarly to the  Arrays .asList example from the manual

High memory consumption even after close() of EntityManagerFactory

which the execution of multiple queries increasingly byte array were generated (about 1.5 GB) which from GC ... byte array are still not released. The option objectdb.temp.avoid-page-recycle makes no change ... (line 92). btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Addendum: With the configuration is the byte array only 3MB. I

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) list is always null

the entity containing another one (OneToOne) entity with a byte[] array without calling the getter of the array of the child entity, the array becomes null. public class ByteData { // ... id private byte

Storing Images

/UML2. to persist the images, i just store an array of bytes (byte[]) representing the encoded images.  i.e. a class which has a field of type byte array .  to turn the bytes into an image, i ... well for me, but I'm guessing there's an easier way. so, yes, the equivalent of blobs (byte arrays ) are supported

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

", only contains a byte[] and uses a soft reference to make that array eligible for GC when the JVM does a full GC. private byte[] data;// use makeDirty() when changing this array or any

member visiting in jpql

gzdillon Lai Yang The length field of arrays is not supported by JDOQL / JPQL queries. You may maintain an ordinary int field (holding the array length) for this purpose. support Support

Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load

Device instances per second. But Device is a large object with an array of 100 strings (by the way ... instances per second, and with null in the String[] array the rate goes up to 200,000 entity objects

OutOfMemoryError on search after update on DB created with DB Doctor

. Arrays .copyOfRange( Arrays .java:2694) at java.lang.String. ( at com.objectdb.o.BYR.N

Strange behaviour with ORDER BY and IN

.objectdbtest; import de.solvit.objectdbtest.entity.Location; import java.util. Arrays ; import java.util.List ... ; private static final List locations = Arrays .asList(         new

JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN :variable not working if variable is a list of Enums

;query.setParameter("enumFieldList",          Arrays .asList ... .setParameter("enumFieldList",             Arrays

"where in" query

;      query.setParameter("names", Arrays .asList("a", "c"));    ... FROM Prez p WHERE MEMBER OF :ids", Prez.class); prezs.setParameter("ids", Arrays .asList(1,3


.0 Public Annotation Attributes NamedNativeQuery [] value default null (Required) Array of NamedNativeQuery annotations. Since: JPA 1.0


JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries NamedNativeQuery [] value default null (Required) Array of NamedNativeQuery annotations. Since: JPA 1.0

CriteriaBuilder.tuple(selections) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder CompoundSelection tuple (   Selection ... selections ) Create a tuple-valued selection item. Parameters: selections - selection items Return: tuple-valued compound selection Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if an argument is a tuple- or array -valued selection item Since: JPA 2.0

CriteriaBuilder.construct(resultClass,selections) - JPA Method

Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if an argument is a tuple- or array -valued selection item Since: JPA 2.0

Explorer in 2.3

a very large array in the debugger). This will limit retrieval to open branches in the tree. 3

ObjectDB embeddable Springboot

;How does odb handle byte[]. A byte[] field is stored in the containing object, as any other array

ORDER BY problem, when String starts with language specific character

.getNormName()");         query.setParameter("names", Arrays .asList

List of Enum Values in an entity

without any problem. In the explorer I can see that it is stored as array of Strings. Unfortunately

@AttributeOverrides , and postgresql + own TYPE

.If there will be getAddress method what data type it will be ? Array ?  4.I uploaded for you my entity class

Dont want to use Proxy Class

at defineClass call in d method ACL class which is triggerd by i method of STL class. I think the byte array

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

addition, replace the ordinary array with a collection (e.g. ArrayList ). You may also need to use

Index causes increased memory usage

and without, the object that JVisualVM showed as the biggest memory user was byte arrays - usually

JPA query of a Set of terms

Hi, Is it possible to write a JPA query to select objects that contain a collection of elements? For example, suppose I have a table that maps a search terms to pages: @Entity public class SearchIndex { @Index SearchTerm term; @Index Page page; } Now suppose I have an array of SearchTerm objects

Getting sales quantity per country with a query, an idea anyone?

in case anyone need to achieve the same. This call will retrieve a list of 3 dimensional Object array

Different behavior with persist() and queried instances?

it becomes a regular java.util. Array again which of course doesn't mark the object dirty when getting changed

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

the first level cache (by flush() and detach()). But an array of bytes, any ObjectDB memory ... will be bigger after flush. Also we see in a heap dump many byte arrays which are referenced by ObjectDB classes. The count of byte arrays grows after flush and clear, although we start the GC

Enhanced classes problem

a  CacheableJobAccountingInfo[] array into a  CacheableJobAccountingInfo field ... , which should solve the problem. Using arrays for relationships is non standard (not supported by JPA ... with the List instead of array and another problem occurs:   java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

[ObjectDB 2.3.7_25] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

There is a problem with 2 Person instances, apparently in their salt byte[] array . There was a change in the way byte[] arrays are stored in ObjectDB. In theory this should not affect existing

Page #9 entry 0 (key 'bjjl') has 75 extra bytes / Unexpected last index ID: -119 (expected -116)

), but still, if there is a bug that may cause storing arrays in a bad format - exploring it requires a way ... in checking byte arrays . Build 2.4.1 fixes this problem. support Support

Transaction size limit

, so we could even prevent the overflow of array index. For example via providing a public method ... : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit at com.objectdb.o.FIW.m(

ObjectDB 2.5.1

) to-many relationship into an array field ([]) ( issue #1131 ). Fixed a bug in loading mapped (inverse

I can't get cascading delete to work in JDO

; = id;             this.dependents = Arrays .asList

ObjectDB 2.4.1

Fixed a bug of  duplicating new objects during merge . Fixed a username/password issue in using EntityManagerFactory 's getMetamodel . Fixed a bug in detachment of hollow objects on close ( issue #799 ). Fixed a Doctor exception ( issue #796 ). Fixed a Doctor bug in checking byte[] arrays

ObjectDB 2.7.2

file in place . Fixed a ClassCastException in query selection of embedded object and array fields


for all variables for which the filter expression evaluates to true . Parameters: parameters - the Object array


types, including Collection, array , and Map types of basic and relationship types. Since: JDO 2.2

PersistenceManagerFactory.removeFetchGroups(groups) - JDO Method

, and removeAllFetchGroups are internally serialized. Parameters: groups - an array of FetchGroups Throws

PersistenceManager.deletePersistentAll(pcs) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void deletePersistentAll (   Object... pcs ) Delete an array of instances from the data store. Parameters: pcs - a Collection of persistent instances See Also: deletePersistent (Object pc) Since: JDO 1.0

PersistenceManager.makeTransientAll(pcs) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void makeTransientAll (   Object... pcs ) Make an array of instances transient, removing them from management by this PersistenceManager . The instances lose their JDO identity and they are no longer associated with any PersistenceManager


will have its own Exception . Return: the nested Throwable array . Inherited from: JDOException Since: JDO 1.0

FetchPlan.setGroups(fetchGroupNames) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.FetchPlan FetchPlan setGroups (   String... fetchGroupNames ) Set a collection of groups. Parameters: fetchGroupNames - a String array of names of fetch groups Return: the FetchPlan Since: JDO 2.0


JDO Annotation Element Target: ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation for the element of a collection/ array relation. Corresponds to the xml element "element". Since: JDO 2.1 Public Annotation Attributes String column default "" Name of the column


;fetchGroupNames) Set a collection of groups. Parameters: fetchGroupNames - a String array of names