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persisting object with long[][] arrays of array

arrays (not arrays of arrays ) -    @Entity public class TESTObject2 implements ... object's arrays of arrays are n x 1 - so the amount of data saved is exactly the same - So it looks like there is something ObjectDb (2.7.1) does not like about arrays of arrays . Thanks EKK   EKK

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

Object[] element is 2. The first array cell contains the country name ( ) and the second array ... an alternative to representing compound results by Object arrays , JPA supports using custom result ... - array , tuple and construct . CriteriaBuilder's array The following JPQL query: SELECT, c

PostUpdate on array changes

objectdb.conf file I will revisit the issue of dirty tracking of arrays . However, I have these new ... ? dmoshal David Moshal Can't seem to get array tracking to work. Given an entity (class A)  ... on JDO. Question: Is array tracking only available with the JDO api ? dmoshal David Moshal  

JPA Persistable Types

, Date and Math types. Multi value types - Collections, Maps and Arrays . Miscellaneous types: Enum ... , LinkedHashMap , TreeMap and Properties . Arrays (including multi dimensional arrays ). Both generic ... as their values (i.e. elements in collections and arrays and keys and values in maps) are either null

CriteriaBuilder.array(selections) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder CompoundSelection array (   Selection ... selections ) Create an array -valued selection item. Parameters: selections - selection items Return: array -valued compound selection Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if an argument is a tuple- or array -valued selection item Since: JPA 2.0

Query by array element

This query is not supported since you cannot access arrays in queries. You can implement a method in MyEntity that wraps the array access operation and then use that method in the query. It is supported by

Problem with byte arrays in JDO - ClassCastException

A bizarre ClassCastException is thrown if I attempt to obtain a byte array field as the result of a Query: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to [B at spiffy.test.ObjectdbTest.main( package spiffy.test; import java.util

Updating JPA Entity Objects

chapter 5. However, detecting changes to arrays requires using snapshots even if the entity classes are enhanced. Therefore, for efficiency purposes, the default behavior of ObjectDB ignores array ... demonstrated above, array changes are not detected automatically (by default) but it is possible

Problem with byte arrays in JDO - internal exception

Problem with byte arrays in JDO - internal exception

Database Schema Evolution

(when applicable). From any date type to any date type. From any collection or array type to any collection or array type, as long as the elements are convertible (e.g. from int[] to ArrayList ). From any object to any collection or array that can contain that object as en element. From any map

ObjectDB Object Database Features

( composite ) indices. Collection and array elements are indexable (extremely fast JOIN queries ... . Arrays , including multidimensional  arrays . Any other serializable type . Lifecycle Events JPA

Index Definition

, java.sql.Timestamp. Any enum type. Reference to an entity object. Arrays and collections that contain ... system rather than in memory. The keys of the BTree are all the unique values in the indexed field (or arrays of values

Entity Management Settings

. The element The arrays attribute of the element specifies if modifications to array cells

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

, multiselect , array , tuple , construct ). Criteria FROM  ( from , join , fetch ). Criteria WHERE  

JPA Criteria API Queries

: SELECT clause ( select , distinct , multiselect , array , tuple , construct ). FROM clause ( from

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

SUBSTRING(, 1, 1); The query returns Object[] arrays of length 3, in which the first cell contains

Can not have unique index on Byte Array

an index that does not allow duplicate keys. An index on a collection or array (including byte[]) treats every element in the collection or the array as a separate entry. Therefore, if a field of collection or array type is declared as unique an exception is thrown if any element is repeating

Exception on comparing array fields against parameters in queries

Exception on comparing array fields against parameters in queries

not possible to add an existing object to an array via explorer

not possible to add an existing object to an array via explorer

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

and Integer ), types defined in java.math (e.g. BigInteger ), and java.util.Date . Collections, arrays ... . Wrapper objects, strings, dates, collections and arrays are embedded by default. To use them as non ... .String field, empty collection, 0 size array , and so on). primary-key The primary-key attribute, defined

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

.BigDecimal Any array of persistent type, including multi dimensional arrays Some of the persistent types above are defined as optional by JDO ( arrays and most of the collection classes), but ObjectDB ... persistence aware. One exception, however, is in working with persistent array fields (persistent


to the multiselect method must not be a tuple- or array -valued compound selection item ... of the array will correspond to the elements of the list passed to the multiselect method, in ... [] will be instantiated and returned for each row. The elements of the array will correspond to the elements of the list


CompoundSelection array (Selection ... selections) Create an array -valued selection item. Parameters: selections - selection items Return: array -valued compound selection Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if an argument is a tuple- or array -valued selection item Since: JPA 2.0 Order asc ( Expression  

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

a collection or array of objects to makePersistentAll( ... ) , which is another method of PersistenceManager . The makePersistentAll( ... ) method stores all the elements in the specified collection or array in the database, but not the collection or array itself (unlike passing a collection to Utilities.bind

CriteriaQuery.multiselect(selectionList) - JPA Method

be a tuple- or array -valued compound selection item. The semantics of this method are as follows ... of type X[] will be returned for each row. The elements of the array will correspond to the elements ... of the array will correspond to the elements of the list passed to the multiselect method, in

CriteriaQuery.multiselect(selections) - JPA Method

array -valued compound selection item. The semantics of this method are as follows: If the type ... . The elements of the array will correspond to the arguments of the multiselect method, in the specified order ... . The elements of the array will correspond to the arguments to the multiselect method, in the specified


[] values () Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order ... $CollectionType c : PluralAttribute$CollectionType.values()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array


Public Static Enum Methods: Predicate$BooleanOperator[] values () Returns an array containing ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order


default. Since: JPA 2.0 Public Static Enum Methods: PessimisticLockScope[] values () Returns an array ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order


an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method ... $Trimspec.values()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum


() Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order


Since: JPA 2.0 Public Static Enum Methods: Bindable$BindableType[] values () Returns an array ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order


() Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method ... : Attribute$PersistentAttributeType.values()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing


Since: JPA 2.1 Public Static Enum Methods: SynchronizationType[] values () Returns an array containing ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared


Static Enum Methods: CascadeType[] values () Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type ... : for (CascadeType c : CascadeType.values()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing


[] values () Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order ... : PersistenceContextType.values()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

. For instance, most system types require specifying an initial value and arrays require specifying an array length. Click the "OK" button to construct the new persistent objects. You can also use

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

), otherwise the query execution throws a JDOUserException . Array and Maps of Parameters Queries


... pcs) Delete an array of instances from the data store. Parameters: pcs - a Collection ... . See Also: evict (Object pc) Since: JDO 1.0 void evictAll (Object... pcs) Mark an array of instances as no longer needed in the cache. Parameters: pcs - the array of instances to evict from the cache


Object[] getObjectIds (Object[] pcs) Get object ids for an array of instances. For each instance in ... element in the parameter. The order of instances of the returned array exactly matches the order of instances of the parameter array . Parameters: pcs - the persistence-capable instances Return


, getFetchGroups , and removeAllFetchGroups are internally serialized. Parameters: groups - an array ... , and removeAllFetchGroups are internally serialized. Parameters: groups - an array of FetchGroups Throws ... .option.Map javax.jdo.option.List javax.jdo.option. Array javax.jdo.option.NullCollection javax.jdo.option

JDOHelper.getObjectIds(pcs) - JDO Static Method

JDO Static Method in javax.jdo.JDOHelper Object[] getObjectIds (   Object[] pcs ) Get object ids for an array of instances. For each instance in the parameter, the getObjectId method ... of instances of the returned array exactly matches the order of instances of the parameter array

PersistenceManager.makePersistentAll(pcs) - JDO Method

JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager T[] makePersistentAll (   T... pcs ) Make an array of instances persistent. Parameters: pcs - an array of instances Return: the parameter ... instance for detached parameter instances, in the same order as in the parameter array See Also: makePersistent (Object pc) Since: JDO 1.0


changes made to their fields. However, if a reference to an array is given to a method outside the class, and the array is modified, then the persistent instance is not aware of the change. This API


Methods: SequenceStrategy[] values () Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in ... : for (SequenceStrategy c : SequenceStrategy.values()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing

JDOImplHelper.registerClass(pcClass,fieldNames,fieldTypes,fieldFlags,persistenceCapableSuperclass,pc) - JDO Static Method

the key for lookup. fieldNames - an array of String field names for persistent and transactional fields fieldTypes - an array of Class field types fieldFlags - the Field Flags for persistent


JDO Annotation Order Target: ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Annotation for the ordering component of an ordered container member, such as Java Collections Framework Array and List types and Java native array types. Corresponds to the xml element "order


an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared


UNSPECIFIED Since: JDO 2.1 Public Static Enum Methods: PersistenceModifier[] values () Returns an array ... ()) System.out.println(c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order


Since: JDO 2.1 Public Static Enum Methods: VersionStrategy[] values () Returns an array containing ... (c); Return: an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared