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Primary key generation problem after changing entity package

objectdb.conf file (placed in the same directory as objectdb.jar - lib/). Now when I try to run test ... putting the objectdb.conf file in the parent directory. #2 (and please avoid different ... objectdb.conf in parent directory everything works fine. Unfortunately, in our more complex schema

$temp property not evaluated properly when used in log path

property is being evaluated properly here as it creates a new directory "$temp" in the same directory as my execution script. Shouldn't this be logging to the system temp directory? carr.onstott

Out of memory

build. First, every time I run Doctor or server, ODB is creating directory with some Windows path name ... Walkowski Please try build 2.4.3_03 that fixes the "D:\temp\odb-synthetic" directory creation ... directories and every query works fine. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski The cause of the errors

Problem with log file in an embedded db with netbeans platform application

\ProteoApp\build\cluster\modules\ext\log\odb20110921.log (The filename, directory name, or volume ... home directory (which is a system property) or the log and log-archive directories (in objectdb.conf

Problem to use find method on an abstract Class: AbstractMethodError is thrown

service thread 1-5) JBAS015012: Started FileSystemDeploymentService for directory C:\servers\jboss ... deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called Guestbook.war.dodeploy 08:17:22,683 ... Paltzefomat.war in deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called Paltzefomat.war

mapping file is not being loaded

the default location (objectdb root directory). Both objectdb.jar and objectdb-jee.jar ... , with objectdb jars on the WAR lib directory. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Online backup problem

that I used in my entities. Should I put a jar somewhere in odb directory ... in ObjectDB home directory on db server.   I also tried to perform

Cast exception?

classes and put them in a jar under the same directory as objectdb, both in the previous directory

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

the two jar-files in question to my project directory and it worked fine. I then moved them to the Java/jdk-directory and got problems with the log-file (residing in objectdb.home

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

> Do you have the full transaction history (recording) in an odr directory ... . support Support I've uploaded the odr directory to the ftp site, filename