ObjectDB ObjectDB

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EM close causes an exception

and locking in Linux, if parallel processes access different files in the same directory ... and directories on our side, it has nothing to do the database issue. The issue occurs, if two different jvm run in parallel and access their own databases. The databases have their own temp directorys like


files or exploded jar file directories that the persistence provider must examine for managed classes of the persistence unit. Returns a list of URLs for the jar files or exploded jar file directories ... referring to a jar file or referring to a directory that contains an exploded jar file, or some other URL


for the jar file or directory that is the root of the persistence unit. (If the persistence unit is rooted in the WEB-INF/classes directory, this will be the URL of that directory.) The URL will either be a file: URL referring to a jar file or referring to a directory that contains an exploded jar


for the jar files or exploded jar file directories that the persistence provider must examine ... .xml file. A URL will either be a file: URL referring to a jar file or referring to a directory ... can be obtained. Returns: a list of URL objects referring to jar files or directories Since: JPA 1.0

Step 1: Create a Web Project

installation directory and click Open. Now you should have a NetBeans Web Application project

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - IntelliJ Project

To open and run the Java EE 6 Web Application tutorial project in IntelliJ IDEA: Download and extract the project zip file: Java EE JPA Web App - Maven Project (7KB) Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA: Select File > Open Project.... Select the guestbook-jee6 directory and click OK. Define the Server

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

To open and run the Spring MVC JPA tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file: Spring MVC JPA - Maven Project (8KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select File > Open Project.... Select the guestbook-spring directory and click Open Project. Run the project: Select

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

. Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created under the Tomcat directory

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

.declareImports( "import java.util.*; import directory.pc.Category;"); The argument of declareImports

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

the JDO and ObjectDB jar files into the WEB-INF/lib directory of the web application, and database support (in embedded mode) is made available.

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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