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UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

and move the dist directory out of the project to a remote location and run it using java -jar ... and Embedded Tomcat 8.0.3 so after clean and build my dist directory contains: 1. lib directory with all the jars 2. example.jar 3. README.txt

Failed to synchronize replicated database

also the slave Removed all files from $replication directory. Started master Started ... with a copy of the master database in the replication directory (see directory, $replication

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

): The value of $objectdb (the ObjectDB home directory) is derived from the location of the objectdb.jar file. It is defined as the path to the directory in which objectdb.jar is located, with one exception - if the name of that directory is bin, lib or build

Tomcat + JPA Problem

to the tomcat directory (context.xml). In my opinion this caused the trouble. - but not the development WEB-INF directory but the deployment WEB-INF directory ... you mentioned the odb file is in the deployment WEB-INF directory but not in development one , can I change

Change path for urls2.xml file

in a directory .objectdb under the user home directory (regardless of the ObjectDB home path). You can change the user home directory by changing a Java ... user.home for different purposes and we do not want directory polluted with objectdb's files. Can't

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

class="code">deploy directory, start JBoss (run) and open ... to use port 8080). The default ObjectDB home directory is the deploy directory: the default ObjectDB configuration can be placed at deploy

Database is locked when in use

dont want the timestamp directory to be created, what extra needs to be done. binitbhaskar ... of both interfaces. support Support Thanks. How should i get rid of Timestamp directory ? I ... to be placed in "backup" directory not backup/[timestamp] directory. binitbhaskar Binit Bhaskar

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

>) for the database root directory. See this directory. That means our app is not connected to db server ... that everyone has read/write/execute permissions in the extracted directory (including subdirectories

Single Server License and Embedded Mode

the location of the objectdb.jar file. If it is in a lib, bin or build directory go one level up. In that directory put the objectdb.conf file. support Support I did update ... > either in the same directory of the objectdb.jar or in the parent directory. support Support

Deleting archive log folder causes exception

directory. We are running long term tests and during it we are deleting all logs ... instead(?) of the original directory. The only way to get system working is to delete the archive ... that should be able to handle also deletion of the archive directory when the database is open.