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Server User List

more subelements indicating which paths under the server data directory the user is allowed to access: The required path attribute specifies a directory path relative to the root data directory . Permission to access a directory always includes the permission to access the whole tree of subdirectories

Chapter 6 - Configuration

directory . ObjectDB Home ($objectdb) The value of $objectdb (the ObjectDB home directory ) is derived from the location of the objectdb.jar file. It is defined as the path to the directory in which objectdb.jar is located, with one exception - if the name of that directory is bin , lib or build

Online Backup

"objectdb backup" . The backup is created under the backup root directory , which by default is $objectdb/backup , i.e. a subdirectory of the ObjectDB  home directory  (and in client-server mode a subdirectory of the ObjectDB home directory on the server side). A new subdirectory with a name

Database Transaction Replayer

directory whose name is the name of the database file with the odr (ObjectDB Recording) suffix. By default, the recording directory is generated in the directory that contains the database file. If the purpose of the recording is data durability it might be useful to keep the recording directory

Server Configuration

above), represents the ObjectDB home directory . The data path of an ObjectDB server is similar to the document root directory of a web server. Every database file in the data directory and in ... on the data directory , its subdirectories and database files, to enable operations of the server process

General Settings and Logging

: The path attribute specifies a directory in which the temporary files are generated. The $temp prefix ... attribute specifies a directory in which the log files are generated. The $objectdb  prefix can be used to represent the ObjectDB installation directory , as demonstrated above. If the path is empty

Database Server

-cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path ... .sh , is included in the bin directory . To use that script you have to edit the paths to the objectdb ... you can also run the server using the server.exe application, which is located in the bin directory

JPA Class Enhancer

.objectdb.Enhancer If objectdb.jar is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified ... .sh on Unix/Linux) from the ObjectDB bin directory . To use that script you have to edit the paths ... ; path to input user classes -pu :  persistence unit name -s :  include sub directories in

Database Doctor

recording directory if it exists, or copying, moving or transferring an ObjectDB database file without its recovery file or recording directory . Power failure when the database is being updated ... is not in the current directory a path to it has to be specified. The tool main class is com.objectdb

Database Management Settings

file is generated in the directory of the database file, but any other alternative path ... default, a recording subdirectory is generated in the directory of the database file, but any

Database Replication and Clustering

databases on the slave server are automatically generated under a special root directory , $replication , under the server data root directory . Starting a new replication of an existing master database

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

represents the ObjectDB home directory (by default - the directory in which ObjectDB is installed

JPA Persistence Unit

a persistence.xml file, which has to be located in the META-INF directory in the classpath ... directory that contains the META-INF/persistence.xml file. Other classes have to be registered

Database Explorer

, which is located in the bin directory of ObjectDB. It depends on the objectdb.jar file. You can run ... directory a path to it has to be specified. Alternatively, you can run the Explorer by double clicking

How to install ObjectDB?

ObjectDB is distributed as a zip file. Just download and extract the ObjectDB distribution zip file. No need to run any install or setup program. You can uninstall ObjectDB by deleting the ObjectDB directory . ObjectDB does not modify the registry or any other system file.

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

to the same installation directory . Consult your operating system documentation about running the server in ... the server using the server.exe application, located in the bin directory . For this to work, the original structure of ObjectDB directory must be preserved because server.exe tries to locate and load

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

ObjectDB's lib directory . Because this file is an executable jar, on most systems, you can double click ... the Explorer on Windows using the explorer.exe application, located in the bin directory . Notice that the original structure of the ObjectDB installation directory must be preserved

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

the  guestbook-jee6 directory as Root Directory and press  ENTER . Select the project and click

Step 4: Run the Application

- directory under the ObjectDB installation directory . Consequent runs of the application will use

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

-spring directory as Root Directory and press  ENTER . Select the project and click  Finish

JPA Web App Tutorial - Eclipse Project

; guestbook-web directory as Root Directory and press  ENTER . Select the project and click  Finish

Getting Started with JPA - Eclipse Project

directory as Root Directory and press ENTER . Select the project and click  Finish . Run the project in

Step 4: Run the Application

directory . Running the application again will use the existing database file to store an additional

JPA Web App Tutorial - Maven Project

: mvn package jetty:run The current directory should be  guestbook-web (containing the  pom

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - IntelliJ Project

To open and run the  Spring MVC JPA tutorial project in Download and extract the project zip file: Spring MVC JPA - Maven Project (8KB) Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-spring directory and click  OK . Define

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

the WEB-INF directory . The next step (and the last in this tutorial) is  running the Spring web application .

JPA Web App Tutorial - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  JPA Web Application tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file: JPA Web App - Maven Project (6KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-web directory and click  Open

Step 1: Create a Java Project

of the ObjectDB installation directory and click Open . Now you should have a new NetBeans project

Step 6: Set the Spring XML

for JSP pages in the WEB-INF directory . The next step (and the last in this tutorial) is running the Spring web application .

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

is created under the Tomcat directory . You can stop the Tomcat server and open the database file in 

Java EE JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

the command line: mvn package The current directory should be  guestbook-jee6

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the GuestServlet node (in the [Project Explorer] window) and selecting Run As Run on Server Finish : Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created under the GlassFish directory (e.g. at domains\domain1\eclipseApps

Step 6: Run the Web Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the GuestServlet node (in the [Project Explorer] window) and selecting Run As Run on Server Finish : Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created under the Tomcat directory . You can stop the Tomcat server and open

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

right clicking the new source directory node (in the [Package Explorer] window) and selecting 

Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project

The current directory should be points-console (containing the pom.xml file). No need to download

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  Java EE 6 Web Application tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file: Java EE JPA Web App - Maven Project (7KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-jee6 directory

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

jetty:run The current directory should be  guestbook-spring (containing the  pom.xml file

Step 6: Run the Java EE 6 Application

under the GlassFish directory (e.g. at domains\domain1\eclipseApps\Guestbook\WEB-INF ). You can stop the GlassFish

Getting Started with JPA - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file: Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select File Open Project... . Select the points-console directory and click Open Project . Run

Getting Started with JPA - IntelliJ Project

To open and run the  Quick Start with JPA tutorial project in IntelliJ IDEA: Download and extract the project zip file: Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project (3KB) Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA: Select File Open Project... . Select the points-console directory and click Open Project

Step 6: Run the Web Application

You can run the application now by right clicking the GuestServlet node (in the [Projects] window), selecting Run File , and then clicking  OK (no need to change the servlet execution URI). Since we are using ObjectDB in embedded mode - the database file is created under the Tomcat directory

Step 1: Create a Java EE Web Project

of the ObjectDB installation directory and click Open . Now you should have a NetBeans Java EE 6 Web

Step 1: Create a Java Project

the bin subdirectory of the ObjectDB installation directory : Click Finish to create the project

JPA Web App Tutorial - IntelliJ Project

To open and run the  JPA Web Application tutorial project in IntelliJ IDEA: Download and extract the project zip file: JPA Web App - Maven Project (6KB) Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA: Select File Open Project... . Select the guestbook-web directory and click OK . Define the Server

Step 1: Create a Web Project

installation directory and click Open . Now you should have a NetBeans Web Application project

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - IntelliJ Project

directory and click  OK . Define the Server: Select  File Settings Application Servers . Add

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

user classes -d output path for enhanced classes -s include sub directories in search -noopt disable ... directories using the -s option (the "*.class" expression is in quote marks here to avoid auto resolving ... to redirect the output classes to a different directory , keeping the original class files unchanged

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

, step by step. Both sample programs are contained in ObjectDB's samples directory . 2.1   ... to JDO metadata. The following package.jdo file is located in the same directory as person.class

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

.properties , it can be loaded by a class in the same directory using: import; import java.util ... to the database it stores the changes in a related temporary file in the same directory as the database file

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

can also be declared: query.declareImports( "import java.util.*; import directory .pc.Category