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51-100 of 185 results

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

" directory still gets created.  A "log" directory also gets created when I run com.objectdb.Enhancer ... to ignore these "log" directories , which is a minor annoyance. Can the creation of "log" directories ... ObjectDB as the log directory is in the  objectdb.conf file. See this manual page regarding

Setting temp directory location in ObjectDB

HI, I am using ObjectDB and would to change the temp directory location wihtout using objectDB ... .class.getClassLoader()); I read in the ObjectDB website that we can change the temp directory using ... , how can i set the temp directory using my java class  e.g setting through 

Size of recording directory keeps growing

of objects. I am observing that the recording directory (*.odr.. 19GB!!) is keep growing ... --r-- 1 nef nef 182M May 13 17:38 db/cloudai/genose.odb Recording directory nef@l1:~/objectdb$ ls ... file that you keep. For example, in your directory it is now 3500781.odb, a snapshot

EM close causes an exception

with temporarily files and locking in Linux, if parallel processes access different files in the same directory ... it works fine. The workaround in #6 is only a hint for you how we lock files and directories ... and access their own databases. The databases have their own temp directorys like objectdb

How to configure where the ODB is stored?

to set it to "$objectdb/db/points.odb" and that this defaults to "the installation directory ... restarts.  I'd just like to know how to configure it to be in my home directory ... " ). The $objectdb prefix refers to a special directory , the ObjectDB Home, which is either the directory in

How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

because there was only one project in it. I suppose deleting the class files in the bin directory ... the directory I created by unzipping the maven version of your tutorial. In this version eclipse won't ... . Where is the project directory ? support Support Sorry! Apparently the import feature in eclipse does not work the way

Attempt to open a non existing file '/tmp/objectdb_xxxx/SortQueryItr_6.mrg'

a separate class loader) manages its own directory of temporary files, e.g.  /tmp/objectdb_2116263629532821442 . This directory is created as soon as a temporary file is required. The name is random so you cannot identify the process of each temporary directory . In that directory a lock file, lock.lck

lockfiles in client/server mode

using the same directory for their temporary files. Changing the temporary directory path ... ). A better solution could be changing the permissions of the temporary directory ( /tmp/ObjectDB ) in a way ... . changing the temporary directory on the server should have prevented it from creating and using /tmp

Replaying recorded requests...

directory has many files like this: mr.odb_nonclosed, mr_1.odb_nonclosed up to mr_10.odb_nonclosed 2. there is a directory mr.odr, with many files ending in .odr   So, questions: a) how can I ... the root directory of my web project and now it is being read. So, I think for now I can live with it in


directory )         at Method ... more sjzlondon Steve Zara The stack trace indicates a problem in preparing a directory for ObjectDB temporary files. Please verify that the ObjectDB process has permissions to create directories and files

Path in tomcat

directory 'objectdb' somewhere - in my case ~/objectbd - put objectdb.jar and objected.conf in this directory - create ~/objectbd/db (or any other directory where you want store you database - this directory should be defined in objectdb.conf) - add java agent using export CATALINA_OPTS="-javaagent

JBoss 7 startup fails

FileSystemDeploymentService for directory /usr/local/jboss7/standalone/deployments 13:49:34,888 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) Found Guestbook_ObjectDB_web.war in deployment directory ... Argentino If you built the project by yourself step by step - maybe you misplaced a directory or

Online Backup in client-server mode

backup relative to the ObjectDB home directory thamal Tomas Hamal You are right ... parameter it represents a path relative to the ObjectDB home directory , and in client-server mode, relative to the ObjectDB home directory on the server side." As a workaround, consider using a symlink

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

and move the dist directory out of the project to a remote location and run it using java -jar example.jar then I ... and build my dist directory contains: 1. lib directory with all the jars 2. example.jar 3. README.txt However, in my source code's lib directory I have: \lib\objectdb-2.5.4_05\database\example.odb

Failed to synchronize replicated database

all files from $replication directory . Started master Started slave But the exception is still thrown ... to work the slave database must start with a copy of the master database in the replication directory ... : The replicated databases on the slave server are automatically generated under a special root directory , 

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

explained on this page  (with more details): The value of $objectdb (the ObjectDB home directory ) is derived from the location of the objectdb.jar file. It is defined as the path to the directory in which objectdb.jar is located, with one exception - if the name of that directory is bin, lib or

Tomcat + JPA Problem

to the tomcat directory (context.xml). In my opinion this caused the trouble. Another Question ... /guest.odb" ) refers to WEB-INF/db/guest.odb - but not the development WEB-INF directory but the deployment WEB-INF directory somewhere under your Tomcat installation. support Support Hi support, as

Change path for urls2.xml file

and log files. jb11 James Evarts This file is created in a directory .objectdb under the user home directory (regardless of the ObjectDB home path). You can change the user home directory by changing ... and we do not want directory polluted with objectdb's files. Can't we just change it somehow in

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

drop it in the JBoss's deploy directory , start JBoss ( run ) and open the browser at  http ... directory is the deploy directory : the default ObjectDB configuration can be placed at deploy/object.conf , the ObjectDB log directory is deploy/log , and the database is created by default at deploy/db

Database is locked when in use

directory to be created, what extra needs to be done. binitbhaskar Binit Bhaskar You should be able to cast ... . support Support Thanks. How should i get rid of Timestamp directory ? I am going to use ... want all the odb files to be placed in "backup" directory not backup/[timestamp] directory

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

an absolute path (or relative, starting with $objectdb ) for the database root directory . See this manual ... the db files on the root folder of server? I do not see any files in the db folder or directory ... in the extracted directory (including subdirectories). Run the server at that location (e.g. double

Single Server License and Embedded Mode

, find the location of the objectdb.jar file. If it is in a lib, bin or build directory go one level up. In that directory put the objectdb.conf file. support Support I did update ... for the objectdb.conf either in the same directory of the  objectdb.jar or in the parent directory . support Support

Enhancer -s broken

is is only enhancing ${bin.dir}/org/tinymediamanager/core/ and no sub packages/ directories . With earlier versions (2 ... directory (that the OS found), without any directory to use the -s switch on. Try disabling wildcard ... it to ObjectDB. *.class does not cover directories . * does. The documentation will be fixed accordingly. Thanks for your help. support Support

ODB tries to create log files inside its own jar on Win7

(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect) at ... .FileNotFoundException: rsrc:objectdb.jar\log\odb20120418.log (The filename, directory name, or volume label ... that explicitly setting the "objectdb.home" system property to the current directory fixes this problem

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

Hello, We have questions regarding the pagesX.dat files in the temp directory . We detected ... (each 8MB) in the TEMP directory . If we take a look into the dat files they are all (with exception of the first one) empty. Or rather pre filled with null. We observed that the directory is cleaned

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - NetBeans Project

To open and run the  Spring MVC JPA tutorial project in NetBeans: Download and extract the project zip file: Spring MVC JPA - Maven Project (8KB) Open the Maven project in NetBeans: Select  File Open Project... . Select the  guestbook-spring directory and click  Open

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

in embedded mode - the database file is created under the Tomcat directory . You can stop the Tomcat

Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

)? If the database is located in a directory that is cleaned by the web server on every new deployment you should move it to another directory . support Support Thanks for the quick reply. I've moved the file to my root directory (and opened all permissions for it) but now there's a problem with accessing

Is redirecting the log file possible

I have the objectdb in the same directory as jdk in the Program Files directory (Win 11). This directory is protected by the O/S and therefore objectdb has problem creating its log file. Relaxing the secutity settings is of course possible, but seems somewhat unsecure. Is there a way to tell

How to Use a SF with extended Persistence Context?

service thread 1-2) JBAS015012: Started FileSystemDeploymentService for directory C:\servers\jboss\jboss ... .scanner] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS015003: Found Guestbook.war in deployment directory ... deployment directory . To trigger deployment create a file called Paltzefomat.war.dodeploy 13:52:02,512 INFO

Replication failed

. The directory '$replication' and the files in the directory however are created ... with an up to date copy of the master database in the slave $replication directory , and provide maximum permissions. support Support

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

(for other paths add the prefix objectdb: ) Relative path is relative to the OS current directory ... , then it is relative to the ObjectDB home directory . support Support I double checked that ObjectDB.jar ... if ObjectDB is unable to create a file at the requested directory ? Here's the stack trace: (starting

Primary key generation problem after changing entity package

this class to B, and put schema information in objectdb.conf file (placed in the same directory as ... the objectdb.conf file in the parent directory . #2 (and please avoid different questions in the same ... ) and is never deleted. support Support Ok, yo were right. After putting objectdb.conf in parent directory

$temp property not evaluated properly when used in log path

I have the following lines in my objectdb.conf file: I don't believe that the $temp property is being evaluated properly here as it creates a new directory "$temp" in the same directory as my execution script. Shouldn't this be logging to the system temp directory ? carr.onstott Carr Onstott

Out of memory

is creating directory with some Windows path name: drwxr-xr-x  11 lwalkowski  staff  ... build 2.4.3_03 that fixes the "D:\temp\odb-synthetic" directory creation, and disables the new memory ... Support New build works OK. No more strange directories and every query works fine. lwalkowski Lukasz

Problem with log file in an embedded db with netbeans platform application

\Ce\Desktop\ProteoB\ProteoApp\build\cluster\modules\ext\log\odb20110921.log (The filename, directory ... workaround would be to set either the ObjectDB home directory  (which is a system property) or the log and log-archive directories (in objectdb.conf ) explicitly. support Support Thanks

Problem to use find method on an abstract Class: AbstractMethodError is thrown

for directory C:\servers\jboss\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments 08:17:22,672 INFO [ ... Guestbook.war in deployment directory . To trigger deployment create a file called Guestbook.war ... ) JBAS015003: Found Paltzefomat.war in deployment directory . To trigger deployment create a file called

mapping file is not being loaded

directory ). Both objectdb.jar and objectdb-jee.jar are on the classpath. Finally, the application prototype is being deployed as a war, with objectdb jars on the WAR lib directory . Any suggestions

Online backup problem

somewhere in odb directory with my entities? kborkowski Karol Borkowski Any ClassNotFoundException   ... home directory on db server.   I also tried to perform backup from standalone application

Cast exception?

: workaround solution found. I separated all my db classes and put them in a jar under the same directory as objectdb, both in the previous directory where persistence isn't a problem but cast exception

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

and found I had no classpath set. I moved the two jar-files in question to my project directory and it worked fine. I then moved them to the Java/jdk- directory and got problems with the log-file

Get list of database files

, password, false); This will return the root directory , which then can be explored further using the API. You can also get the File (or directory ) of a specific path on the server using: File

Again about $temp from objectdb.conf

? Thank you,   Sandu sandu Alexandru Constantinescu You can set the temporary directory ... .tmpdir" system property, but that will change the temporary directory for the entire JVM, not just for ObjectDB.   support Support

Persisting collection where members are subclasses

to persist a reference to a non managed com.typowebguide. directory .Folder instance - field com.typowebguide. directory .Folder.children (error 613) is this a bug in ObjectDB or should I be handling

Undeployment of an remote Glassfish application locks objectdb log file

an external directory (not in the web application under Glassfish)? support Support I tested to set ... still locked. Anyway, until this is solved the workaround of using a log file outside the web application directory should be used. support Support

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

directory of the web application, and database support (in embedded mode) is made available.

user defined backup file

")); which should create a backupfile with the name ' test.objectdb " in the directory ' /User/Backup/ ' or backupQuery ... with the origin name of the database in the directory ' /User/Backup/ '. Otherwise we had to do the backup in an empty temp directory , scan the backup directory for a newly created backup database-file (in

Deleting archive log folder causes exception

Hello, we have observed strange behaviour when we delete odb archive log directory . We are running ... any configuration. There is some file named archive created instead(?) of the original directory ... that should be able to handle also deletion of the archive directory when the database is open. Alternatively

Exception when the log file is full and no archive is defined

) Caused by: (No such file or directory ) at java.base/ ... Stocker Limiting the size of the log file without setting an archive directory is indeed considered a user error, as the limit is directly associated with having a valid archive directory to move log files

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

? Do you have the full transaction history (recording) in an odr directory ? If you have it the corruption may be reproduced ... handle large objects correctly. support Support I've uploaded the odr directory to the ftp site