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Pooling of EntityManagers

> does the first level cache is empty then? If not does fetching an object, wich ... >If you call clear then you empty the persistence context / first level cache ... and reusing an empty one. However, i will test it. thanks again Arne Arne Arne Stocker

Different behavior with persist() and queried instances?

, object is saved in db and the list of the object is marked as empty - Now close ... of the object is still set to empty in db eventhough it is filled Btw the list's type in ... that even JDOHelper.makeDirty(object, "listPropertyName"); doesn't change it, the list is still empty

"where in" query

> support Support Anyone know why this result returns an empty set?   empty result set. Version 2.3.2 fixes the exception - please try it. If you still get an empty set with the new

Selective merge/cascade of detatched entity

;     Salesman emptied = redistributeTargets(salesmen);      ... " + emptied + " now has targets:" + emptied.getCompanyTargets());       

Low performance when getting grove roots

the query result is always empty :-(   Regards, Vladimir empty results. Does it happen also with a new database file that is created

problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

the related entity list is empty. what am i doing wrong? chris Christoph Ernst ... - it is unavailable in a detached Foo instance and the collection looks empty.

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException

is thrown during query compilation, even an empty database with that schema may be useful ... above is to create a new empty database and then persist 2 empty instances of the relevant classes

ObjectDB 2.5.4

Added empty implementation of new JPA 2.1 methods. Implemented new JPA 2.1 EntityManagerFactory methods: "".intern() for empty strings.

spuriously objectdb objects have null references

the difference (after detachment) between a collection that is really empty and a collection that was just ... an empty collection instead of null it wouldn't be difficult to enable such an option.

Eager load Map

> On the second run (without deleting or clearing the database) the map is empty. Looking ... -is the objects are retrieved and the nested map is empty so nothing is printed to the console