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Unexpeted internal exception

> jrchalaco Roberto Pinto Both databases in #5 above seem to be empty. support Support

Glassfish 4 AbstractMethodError: com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager

> rumblesnort Richard A new build, 2.5.3_02, adds empty implementation of the new JPA 2.1

Can't get arraylist/vector type attributes

the information from the Vector dissapears and I get an empty vector. Something weird happens

Persist error @ManyToMany how to define correct entities relationships

no category entity is created, the table is empty, however categories are well present within Product (as

JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN :variable not working if variable is a list of Enums

.VALUE2)); Then query.getResultSet() *always* returns an empty list.

Unexpected exception during open the database

your conversion program with a new empty log file and then search for the exact stack traces in the log file

type.loader java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

>). The empty database might be the result of another issue - please try to isolate

possible index required for improving query performance

;- added the relationshipType index back and started a test with an empty database. It slowed

Like fails if both underscore and percent are used

"); assertEquals(0, getAll().size()); //DB is empty em.getTransaction().begin(); em

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

Using @Index for fields and filter more than one field with "and" predicate ends in empty result list. public class IndexTest {     @Entity     @Indices({         @Index