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ObjectDB Explorer very slow with remote con

Hi! I started to use ObjectDB Explorer to administrate a remote DB (on a server), but it seems to be very slow. The database is quite empty now, just between 5-20 records / entity, but it's still very very slow. That's the only thing that is slow on my server

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

NetBeans in admin mode, and I have tried creating an empty "punkter.odb" file in the map holding the java

Unable to persist TreeMap

> instance with an empty map? support Support My version of the test now runs correctly

Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

the inner class name. The following example should work with an empty database:

Fetching Collections Puzzle

the debugger the proxy list might look empty - but as soon as your application accesses its content (e.g. by

Possible Bug in MEMBER OF

.3.3_01 provides a temporary fix that makes your query work. Still SIZE and IS EMPTY

LEFT (OUTER) JOIN problem when mappedBy is defined

Hi all, I want to get objects with their lists, even when the lists are empty. So I've witten this query: "SELECT i FROM Invoice i LEFT OUTER JOIN i.itemList items" But this query never returns invoices without items! Only invoices with items.

can't get HashMap out of the database

I'm trying to persist an Entity containing a HashMap. It stores the data in the database OK, but the map is always empty when I get the entity out of the database again. I've reproduced this problem in a simple variation of the Guestbook tutorial: Guest class

Issue with UPPER ?

8a3f] Prepare an empty result set. [Step 8b] Filter the results of step 8a retaining

[ObjectDB 2.5.5_03] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

because it implicitly defines an INNER JOIN, i.e. an internal loop, and if the the internal loop is empty