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Database(*.odb) file size on disk

but the the file not resized. The database is at the end empty again, but larger than the initial size.

Changes in detach behaviour?

closes the transaction and the em. With 2.3.5_04 I get an empty detached user

Database absolute filepath

) and create a new empty database. By default it works only for database files with the

persitencia (Preguntas y respuestas)

starting a new empty database every request - more details are needed. To view a table order

getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.

empty result but in db data exist. "Select agsk.Skill.Queue From AgentSkill agsk 

Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

. Please understand that it doesn't matter for ObjectDB if you store an empty

Compare old and new schema

to the "old" db without entity classes in the classpath but the metamodel is empty. How does

Bidirectional OneToMany is slow on updated items

="code">addressSet retrieval when the database is not empty. A simple action

Collection update does not increase entity version and is not persisted

in the database (retrieve the event shows that the attachments field is still empty).

ObjectDB 2.6.9

Added support for integration with WebSphere / Liberty application server. Fixed deleting large transaction temporary files (in the experimental large transactions feature). Fixed empty log