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remove & persist in same transaction => Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value

>If we remove additional data for Entity (B) and then the special Entity (A) is empty, we remove ... > first remove additional Data -> The special Entity (with id 1) is empty and we remove

Query vs Extent for retrieving data

Collection have the maxReports set to 10 as I expect, but the List of PositionReportBeans is empty ... block prints out all empty arrays for the lists of PositionReportBeans contained

removing members in existing databases

> 1. Just make the list empty and let it remain in database 2 ... . It also seems that it will be slow as option 2a, as emptying list fields updates the objects that contain them.

InternalException & UserException using objectdb with Jboss AS 7.1.1 final

the application with a new empty database or after applying schema change.

How to avoid NULL values on Embedded entities

, the problem was that i'm savin an empty string "" (not null) elnll002 Facundo Curti

Complex Schema Upgrade not working

and Customer tables to be empty as well as the new Address class' table has no records either.

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

the log path to empty, since apparently the only place in which "log" is specified in ObjectDB as

like operator (String)

'='. This JPA impls returns an empty list. This behaviour isn't a problem. The GUI

Different behavior for casting and not casting

.MitgliedVertraegeFragment')) IS NOT NULL Furthermore, checking for empty collection ... .vereinsverwaltung.abrechnung.api.model.mitglied.MitgliedVertraegeFragment')).contracts IS NOT EMPTY

ObjectDB 2.4.0

to null (rather thanempty collections). empty (issue #695). Removed