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problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

, this is properbly not the best way to test it, it's more like an integration test. i try

Error with

I am working on a Spring Boot application. I want to integrate ObjectDB with Spring Data JPA. I refer to the to do the configuration. When I start up my application, I got below error. It seems like ObjectDB does not support

ObjectDB stability after power failure

I'm considering using ObjectDB in a system that is going to be running continuously without support instantly available for many years.  How stable is ObjectDB when it comes to power failures and unattended restarts?  Is database integrity maintained during such events

Performance in SELECT statement

> edit: I just tried to remove the second entity completely and integrate its 3 variables directly in

Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value (613)

I am using ObjectDB 2.8.3 version for my University Project which currently i am trying to inplement an Integration testing to one of my DataAccess methods. But, the problem comes before i try the method i want to be proved, exactly when i try to set up the database

objectdb:2.8.4 & 2.6.1.b06 backward compatibility

for the confirmation. We will inform you if any issues will be observed during integration or testing! Harman Alexander Golyshkin

Issue with compile time enhancement

I have an entity library which I have integrated build time enhancement in.  The enhancer reports it has processed all of my persistent classes.  When I attempt to run a Bootstrap process with this library I get the error shown below.  The entity referenced in the error

Remove of an entry from a @OneToMany collection is not possible if the enhancer is disabled

. wua Andreas Wurm You are right, sorry. Somehow the fix has not been integrated into

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

broken references in this database. Notice that currently ObjectDB doesn't enforce reference integrity

ObjectDB 2.5.6

Changed merge behavior (following this forum thread).  Fixed a TomEE - ObjectDB client-server integration issue (issue #1407). Fixed a ClassCastException