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objectdb (licensed) + github action error

Hello,  In a software engineering course (UPV/EHU University, Spain), my students have deployed their proyects in a Continuos Integration Enviroment using a created(licensed)objectdb as a Database (maven projects). The projects run and test fine in local. The projects

Performance in large transactions

each time again and again, in order to check their up to date validity and integrate

ObjectDB Clustering VS Hadoop Hbase

version? gzdillon Lai Yang Integration with Hadoop distributed file

Stalling on "run File" in Netbeans when using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar

> Related topic: JRebel integration feature webel Dr Darren Kelly

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

of integration problem of Spring, genericdao and ObjectDB, but if it is a pure ObjectDB problem maybe

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with nested entities and enhanced entities

' continuous integration build pipeline, which can cause a mismatching enhancement. btc_es BTC

ObjectDB with JRebel: copious 'Not Enhanced:' errors with EJBs

.WebappClassLoader.process( at org.zeroturnaround.javarebel.integration.util

ObjectDB 2.6.9

Added support for integration with WebSphere / Liberty application server. Fixed deleting large transaction temporary files (in the experimental large transactions feature). Fixed empty log

Problemss during maven build

> [WARNING] Could not validate integrity of download

Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references

objectdb-2.2.5_08 NetbeansID6.9.1+Glassfish3.01 I suspect the following is an Explorer bug. It is marked knowingly as CRITICAL by me because it makes the ObjectDB system unusable for a real project because it appears to be either database integrity corruption, or