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JRebel integration feature

.javarebel.integration.util.WeakUtil$WeakClassBytecodeProcessorAdapter@null': *** java.lang.instrument ... .integration.util.WeakUtil$WeakClassBytecodeProcessorAdapter@null': *** java.lang.instrument ASSERTION ... ' could not be processed by 'org.zeroturnaround.javarebel.integration.util.WeakUtil


Hi, Is there a way to integrate ObjectDB with Spring Framework to add the benefits of Transaction Management and DAO Support? Regards, Lorenzo ... > dries dries Hi, The Spring manual specifies 3 methods for JPA integration

Maintaining referential integrity

 ObjectDB doesn't implement referential integrity and it is the application responsibility

Integrating the ObjectDB logging into the application logging based on slf4j

Integrating the ObjectDB logging into the application logging based on slf4j

Referential Integrity

Doctor to verify that reference integrity is not broken and there are no dangling references. Future versions of ObjectDB should support reference integrity. support Support ... than Datanucleus. But declarative referential integrity is a must from day one that developer request

Integration with Java EE (JPA 1.0)

ObjectDB can be used in both Java EE and Java SE by using application managed EntityManager. Support of container managed EntityManager and integration with the JTA (Java Transaction API) is not implemented yet. support Support

Terracotta Ehcache Integration

Terracotta Ehcache Integration

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

enhanced Maven and ANT Enhancement Enhancement can be integrated into ... and JPA Similarly, enhancement can be also be integrated into an ANT build ... . For release, however, it is recommended to integrate the enhancement in the build process. To use

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

> You should verify now that Maven Integration for WTP is installed, by right clicking the project ... . If it is not available - you have to install Maven Integration for WTP and create a new project ... ;execution> <id>start-jetty</id> <phase>pre-integration-test</phase

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

;     <phase>pre-integration-test</phase>      ... ;stop-jetty</id>        <phase>post-integration-test<