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Locking in JPA

JPA 2 supports both optimistic locking and pessimistic locking. Locking is essential to avoid update collisions resulting from simultaneous updates to the same data by two concurrent users. Locking in ObjectDB (and in JPA) is always at the database

lock(entity, lockMode, properties)

.persistence">javax.persistence.EntityManagervoid lock(  Object entity, Lock an entity instance that is contained in the persistence context with the specified lock mode type and with specified properties. If a pessimistic lock mode type

lock(entity, lockMode)

.persistence">javax.persistence.EntityManagervoid lock(  Object entity,  lockMode) Lock an entity instance that is contained in the persistence context with the specified lock mode type. If a pessimistic

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

has to be considered. Lock Mode (setLockMode) ObjectDB uses automatic lock#optimistic_locking">optimistic locking to prevent concurrent changes to entity objects by multiple users. JPA 2 adds support for lock#pessimistic

ObjectDB Object Database Features

> Locking (can be injected to a @Version field). lock#optimistic_locking">Optimistic locking (always active). Implicit pessimistic locking (JDO


by primary key and lock. Find by primary key and lock. Search for an entity of the specified class and primary key and lock it with respect to the specified lock type. If the entity instance is contained in

Database Management Settings

="false" path="." mode="write" /> <locking version-check="true" /> <processing cache ... are much larger when "all" is used. The <locking> element <locking version-check="true" /> The version-check

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

(); if (!pm.isClosed()) pm.close(); } Automatic Lock Management ObjectDB manages an automatic lock mechanism in order to prevent a database object from being modified by ... lock on that object is obtained by the PersistenceManager. On every attempt to modify

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

>, and also if one of the persistent fields of obj has been modified. Object States and Locks, ObjectDB manages an automatic lock mechanism in order to prevent two or more different locks. Only persistent transactional objects that are not new are locked


"> Find by primary key and lock. Find by primary key and lock. Search for an entity of the specified class and primary key and lock it with respect to the specified lock type. If the entity instance is contained in