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getDeclaredMap(name, keyType, valueType)

; getDeclaredMap(  String name,   Class<K> keyType, Return the Map-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name ... : name - the name of the represented attribute

getDeclaredList(name, elementType)

; getDeclaredList(  String name,   Class<E> elementType ... the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type. Parameters: name


; getAttribute(  String name) Return the attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name. Parameters: name

getDeclaredCollection(name, elementType)

<X,E> getDeclaredCollection(  String name,   Class<E> ... attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java element type ... > name - the name of the represented attribute


; getDeclaredAttribute(  String name) Return the attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name. Parameters: name

getDeclaredSet(name, elementType)

; getDeclaredSet(  String name,   Class<E> elementTypename and Java element type. Parameters: name


<?,?> getCollection(  String name) name. Parameters: name - the name of the represented attribute

getDeclaredMap(name, keyType, valueType)

,V> getDeclaredMap(  String name,   Class<T>  ... name and Java key and value types. Parameters: name - the name of the represented attribute

getList(name, elementType)

; getList(  String name,   Class<E> elementType)name and Java element type. Parameters: name - the name

getDeclaredSingularAttribute(name, type)

,Y> getDeclaredSingularAttribute(  String name,   Class<Y ... attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java type. Parameters: name