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javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named in Karaf 4.0.7 and OSGi DS test

: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named objectdb://localhost:6136/technolink.odb;user=admin

JDBC Driver name

Hello there, I am probably misunderstanding but here I go, How can configure the jdbc driver name for a grails   application, the one in DataSource.groovy, in the same way for postgresql to: org

A distinguished Name for server or explorer is good for maintaining!

; So, I need a name to kill it in OS task list! gzdillon Lai Yang This is a good idea. Thank you. support Support

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Ambiguous entity name

I get the com.objectdb.o.UserException: Ambiguous entity name A former embeddable class seems to be similar to a new entity class. However, I removed the embeddable class from all of my classes. Still I get this error and in the explorer I can find an entry

How to create a wildfly datasource with dsJndi name to an objectdb database?

How to create a wildfly datasource with dsJndi name to an objectdb database?

Feature request: helpdesk user can change issue or support ticket page title/name

Feature request: helpdesk user can change issue or support ticket page title/name

Named Query Exception

Named Query Exception

JPA Entity Fields

name; @ManyToOne Department department; } @OrderBy("name") List<Employee> employees; }name The specified field ("name") must be a sortable field of the owner

Auto Generated Values

>The sequence strategy consists of two parts - defining a named sequence and using the named sequence in ... >@SequenceGenerator annotation is used to define a sequence and accepts a name, an initial value ... defined named sequence: @Entity

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

> The package name should be guest. Enter GuestController as the class name - use exactly that case sensitive class name. Click Finish to create the new