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getMap(name, keyType, valueType)

,V> getMap(  String name,   Class<T> keyType, Return the Map-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java key ... > name - the name of the represented attribute


.persistence">Parameter<?> getParameter(  String name) name. This method is not required to be supported for native queries. Parameters: name

getParameter(name, type)

.persistence">Parameter<T> getParameter(  String name,   Class ... corresponding to the declared parameter of the given name and type. This method is required ... : name - parameter name

setParameter(name, value, temporalType)

javax.persistence">TypedQuery<X> setParameter(  String name,   ... "> Bind an instance of java.util.Calendar to a named parameter. Parameters: name

setParameter(name, value)

javax.persistence">TypedQuery<X> setParameter(  String name,   ... to a named parameter. Parameters: name - parameter name value

setParameter(name, value, temporalType)

javax.persistence">TypedQuery<X> setParameter(  String name,   ... "> Bind an instance of java.util.Date to a named parameter. Parameters: name


">javax.persistence.QueryObject getParameterValue(  String name) Return the value bound to the named parameter. Parameters: name

.persistence">javax.persistence.EntityString name (Optional) The entity name. Defaults to the unqualified name of the entity class. This name is used to refer to the entity in queries. The name must not be a reserved literal in the Java

="Annotation in javax.persistence">javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumnString name (Optional) The name of the primary key column of the current table. Defaults to the same name as the primary key column of the primary table


(  String name) Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used ... : name - the name of the enum constant to be returned