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createNamedQuery(name, resultClass)

="Interface in javax.persistence">TypedQuery<T> createNamedQuery(  String name ... language named query. The select list of the query must contain only a single item ... class="parameters"> Parameters: name


javax.persistence">Query createNamedQuery(  String name) named query (in the Java Persistence query language or in native SQL). Parameters: name - the name

setParameter(name, value)

.persistence">Query setParameter(  String name,   Object value) Bind an argument to a named parameter. Parameters: name

setParameter(name, value, temporalType)

.persistence">Query setParameter(  String name,   Calendar value, java.util.Calendar to a named parameter. Parameters: name - parameter name

setParameter(name, value, temporalType)

.persistence">Query setParameter(  String name,   Date value, java.util.Date to a named parameter. Parameters: name - parameter name

javax.persistence">javax.persistence.UniqueConstraintString name (Optional) Constraint name. A provider-chosen name will be chosen if a name is not specified. Default value:

getFetchGroup(cls, name)

;name) Get a modifiable FetchGroup for the Class and name. If a modifiable FetchGroup already exists in ... > name - the name of the fetch group

JDOPermission(name, actions)

.spi">javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermissionJDOPermission(  String name, JDOPermission with the specified name and actions. The actions ... class="parameters"> Parameters: name


.spi">javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermissionJDOPermission(  String name with the specified name. Parameters: name - the name of the JDOPermission

getFetchGroup(cls, name)

;String name) Create an unscoped, modifiable FetchGroup for the Class and name. If a corresponding name - the name of the fetch group