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parameter(paramClass, name)

;name) Create a parameter expression with the given name. Parameters: paramClass - parameter class name

javax.persistence">javax.persistence.CollectionTableString name (Optional) The name of the collection table. If not specified, it defaults to the concatenation of the name of the containing entity and the name of the collection

in javax.persistence">javax.persistence.AttributeOverrideString name (Required) The name of the property whose mapping is being overridden if property-based access is being used, or the name of the field if field-based access is used

.persistence">javax.persistence.JoinTableString name (Optional) The name of the join table. Defaults to the concatenated names


="Interface in javax.jdo.datastore">Sequence getSequence(  String name) Returns the sequence identified by name name - the name of the Sequence


;name) Sets the name ... > name - the name of this PMF

="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.PersistentString name Name of the member when this is embedded in another object. The fully-qualified member name is used. For example, "line.point1.x" refers to the member x in class

getPersistenceManagerFactory(overrides, name)

;overrides,   String name) Returns a named name -

getPersistenceManagerFactory(name, resourceLoader, pmfLoader)

;name,   ClassLoader resourceLoader,   ClassLoader pmfLoader) Returns a named name - resourceLoader

getPersistenceManagerFactory(overrides, name, resourceLoader)

;overrides,   String name,   ClassLoader resourceLoader) Returns a named overrides - name