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Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

method chaining (by returning the query object on which they were invoked). Flush Mode ... >Object">find. However, query execution ... objects by multiple users. JPA 2 adds support for

Defining a JPA Entity Class

To be able to store Point objects in the database using JPA we need to define an entity class. A JPA entity class is a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class, i.e. an ordinary Java class that is marked (annotated) as having the ability to represent objects in

Database Schema Evolution

to the persistent fields of an entity class are detected by ObjectDB. New entity objects have to be stored in the new class schema, and old entity objects, which were stored previously in the old class schema ... mechanism that enables transparent use of old entity objects after schema change. When an entity object


Existing entity objects can be updated, as explained in chapter 2, by: Retrieving the entity objects into an EntityManager. Updating the relevant entity object fields 

JPA Lifecycle Events

entity class is also invoked for entity objects of the subclasses unless that callback method ... objects. If a callback method throws an exception within an active transaction ... { @PrePersist void onPrePersist(Object o) {}

Query Parameters in JPA

a Country object from the database by its name: public ... _String_Object">setParameter("name", name). objects whose name field value is equal to :name, which is a parameter

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

, whereas JPQL works with Java classes and objects. For example, a JPQL query can retrieve and return entity objects rather than just field values from database tables, as with SQL. That makes JPQL more object ... >A Minimal JPQL Query The following query retrieves all the Country objects in

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

value. For embeddable objects, e1 = e2 if e1 and e2 ... .Object">equal(name, "India ... _Expression__Object">equal(area, 1000000); // Not Equal (<>)

Index Definition

Querying without indexes requires iteration over entity objects in the database one by one. This may take a significant amount of time if many entity objects have to be examined. Using proper indexes the iteration can be avoided and complex queries over millions of objects

[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB

ObjectDB for Java/JDO is a powerful Object Database Management System (ODBMS) written ... ObjectDB. This section describes some of them. ObjectDB is an Object Database Developing object oriented applications with ObjectDB is easier and much more effective