ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Object Relations Error after Schema Change

Object Relations Error after Schema Change

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

Error when using Object DB Java Agent

Error when using Object DB Java Agent

enhanced object .. NOT enhanced

enhanced object .. NOT enhanced

Running JPA Queries

when exactly one result object is expected. Query.getResultList - for general use in any other case ... - for use when exactly one result object is expected. TypedQuery.getResultList - for general use in any ... (with getResultList) The following query retrieves all the Country objects in the database. The query

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

as arguments. Path expressions that navigate from one object to another. Instances of user defined ... ) and uses the dot (.) operator to navigate through persistent fields to other objects and values. For example - c.capital, where c represents a Country entity object uses the capital persistent field

JPA Entity Fields

otherwise (e.g. by using the @Transient annotation). Storing an entity object in the database does not store methods or code. Only the persistent state of the entity object, as reflected by its persistent ... . When an entity object is stored in the database every persistent field must contain either null or a value


As explained in chapter 2, entity objects can be deleted from the database by: Retrieving the entity objects into an EntityManager. Removing these objects from the EntityManager within an active ... an alternative way for deleting entity objects. Unlike SELECT queries, which are used to retrieve data from

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

instances. ObjectDB, as a pure object database, can simply store a memory data structure in the database ... method (line 25). An object bound to the database during an active transaction, is expected to be stored physically in the database when the transaction is committed (line 37). Note: Memory objects


. This exception contains a nested JDOOptimisticVerificationException for each object that failed ... .0 void deletePersistent(Object pc) Delete the persistent instance from the data store. Delete ... . The data store object will be removed at commit. Unlike makePersistent, which makes the closure

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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