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EntityManagerFactory objects being locked during EntityManager creation

Issue Details : We've been observing lately an issue with ObjectDB wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object ... with ObjectDB wherein the EntityManagerFactory objects are being locked during EntityManager object

Query can't see recently persisted object

embedded, ObjectDB does not appear to present a read consistent view of persisted objects ... () the object will be found. Clearly I don't want to call flush() on the EntityManager, as I ... to ensure read consistency of objects persisted within the same container transaction? 

First query before any of the object has been stored

I have some code that, before writing an object via ObjectDB makes a query to ensure the new object is different from what's already stored.  The problem is that, before any instances of that object have been stored, the query generates an exception.  I'd been expecting 

Error 613 - i cant put a list into a Squad object

> the structure: the Squad class has a Collection which stores Athlete Objects, the Athlet ... ">commit all the objects that are reachable from objects that you persist are also persistent ... /jpa/persistence/store#global_cascading_persist">Storing JPA Entity Objects page in the ObjectDB

Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)

Hello, that's a strange error for me ... I have a detached object in ... > Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)    ... that is a commit operation, all right ... So why does it try to remove the object ... ?

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

object from User object and Underlying object (but not through theirs keys). I'd like to work with typed object in the code whenever possible, and make key usage as transparent as possible

Detaching objects after JOIN FETCH

Hi, I have a question about detaching objects after issuing query ... : 1. When not using mappedBy, like in example above, detached objects are visible ... objects from relation are not visible. I should add mappedBy in the example

JPA Composite Key make Object Db throws "Unexpected exception (Error 990)"

Hello Object Db community :) I am using this wonderful library and I ... are compliant with the object Db Documentation: Unfortunately, while merging the entity, object db is throwing the following Exception :

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

which create and persist a large object in a loop 100 times each 2) Create 5 get threads which read 100 objects each in a loop based on object creation time and priority The message size ... demonstrates a limitation of the ObjectDB query processing mechanism in sorting very large objects

Objects are not garbage collected

won't be able to remove these objects? Thanks, Toby btc_es BTC ... references from root objects (which cannot be released by the GC). Can you share a full heap dump ... that UnitOfWorkContext  holds many entity objects in memory