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Too many objects for this ObjectDB Edition

Hi, I have been encountering an error when my odb file is larger than 512kb "Too many objects for this ObjectDB Edition." I haven't been able to find any info about this online and was wondering if anyone has encountered a similar problem. I

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

> You can try deleting these objects in batches, using several transactions, each transaction will delete

Why can't we persist an object with a field of type EnumMap in ObjectDB?

Hi, Is there a reason why we can't persist an object with a field of type EnumMap in ObjectDB? but it works fine for fields like = HashMap<EnumType,Double> Thanks EKK EKK Emmanuel Keskes You can persist any

embedded objects marked final not persisted.

Discovered that embedded objects marked final are not persisted. I'm not exactly sure why that should the case. Is this a bug?     dmoshal David Moshal Final fields are treated as transient regardless

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

> Although serializable objects that are not entity or embeddable classes are supported by ObjectDB

The exception "Attempt to remove a detached entity object" have no information about the entity

Hello, the exception "Attempt to remove a detached entity object" have no information about the detached entity. It is very hard, especially if the involved entities uses cascading, to find the removed call for the detached entity.  

Optimistic lock failed for object

Hi, I seem to be getting a lot of these optimistic locking errors: Caused by: com.objectdb.o._OptimisticLockException: Optimistic lock failed for object Is there any way to force the database to use pessimistic locking only? I've

Object DB In memory : without Filestore

if it is possible to run the Object DB completely in memory without disk storage.

Post-compile enhancement sometimes causes error in generic loops: incompatible types found: java.lang.Object: required: Entity

"> incompatible types found: java.lang.Object required: com.example.entity.Steel for (Steel s ... to have to remove generic loops just because of enhancement: for (Object

not possible to add an existing object to an array via explorer

when trying to add an existing object via context menu/add existing object an entering the id the attached message appears (see attachment): cannot be cast to java.util.Map hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Thank you for your report